Why EuroSchool

ARGUS - A digital learning ecosystem for 21st century children!

Argus - a Digital Learning Ecosystem

Our digital learning ecosystem, ARGUS, enables learning anytime, anywhere. Each child learn differently and has a unique learning style. ARGUS facilitates ‘personalized learning’ tailored to the distinctive learning style of each child. Parents and teachers can access student’s reports at every stage, identify areas of improvement and work towards achieving them.
ARGUS is integrated with our LRPAX Methodology & in sync with our NEP 2020 powered curriculum.


For More Than Academic Excellence

EuroSchool pride itself as a ‘school that helps students Discover Themselves’. The institution has one of the best in-class infrastructures in the country to nurture the aspirations and dreams of young children. Through its balanced schooling concept, EuroSchool strives to develop 9 kinds of intelligence.

Interpersonal Intelligence

Inspiring self-awareness, sharpening their ability to understand themselves and identify their true potential.

Naturalist Intelligence

Molding an ability to read and understand nature thereby fostering a sensitivity for living and non-living elements of nature.

Linguistic Intelligence

Developing the ability to use words in a verbal and written way to express emotions, thoughts, and beliefs.

Logical-Mathematical Intelligence

Nurturing the ability to solve mathematical problems, understand trends, patterns and relationships.

Interpersonal Intelligence

Honing emotional intelligence, empathy, and sympathy in young minds to create the foundation of relationships.

Musical Intelligence

Developing their sense of rhythm, music, and tunes. This also improves their ability to listen and intercept sounds.

Existential Intelligence

Raising young minds with the basic understanding of existential questions and the purpose of life.

Bodily-Kinaesthetic Intelligence

Improving mind-body co-ordination through different exercises and athletic practices.

Visual-Spatial Intelligence

Brushing their mental imagery, spatial reasoning, artistic skills, and image manipulation for developing 3D visualization.



We don't just stop at learning

Our five-pronged approach-LRPAX (Learn-Reinforce-Practice-Apply-Xperience) methodology paves the way for holistic learning by blending academic, co-curricular andextracurricular activities.


LEARNING the Concept with Multimedia Tools


REINFORCEMENT with Technology Enhanced Learning


PRACTICE with Experiments & Projects


APPLICATION of the Concept in Real Life

New Education Policy

EuroSchool’s Curriculum is powered by NEP 2020

1st school to launch a New Education Policy (NEP) 2020 powered curriculum. Designed by Cerebrum – EuroSchool’s in-house team of curriculum experts – the NEP 2020 powered curriculum encompasses the best features of the NEP 2020 and goes beyond it to promote experiential, opportunity-driven independent learning experiences.
This NEP 2020 powered curriculum is based on the 7E Instruction Design Principle i.e. Engage, Explain, Elaborate, Explore, Evaluate, Extend and Experience, placing equal emphasis on ethical, rational and creative thinking. The updated content framework also includes the 4C’s of 21st Century learning skills – Critical thinking, Creativity, Collaboration and Communication. By combining all of these skills, students are empowered to solve their own problems, work together, and come up with solutions.

Admission Enquiry

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