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Top Books on Famous Inventions and Inventors

books on inventions

Cultivating the spirit of invention is a crucial factor in children. One way to instil this is by exposing them to stories of famous inventions and inventors.

In the following blog, we bring a list of top books on famous inventions and inventors.

  1. “Who Was Thomas Alva Edison?” by Margaret Frith
  2. This book chronicles the life of Thomas Edison from his humble beginnings to his success with multiple inventions.

  3. “The Story of Inventions” by Anna Claybourne
  4. This book covers major inventions, their inventors, and how they were discovered. It explores inventions such as the Wheel and the World Wide Web with interesting content, illustrations, and quizzes.

    Also Read: Read Around the World: 16 Books for Kids and Teens

  5. “Girls Think of Everything: Stories of Ingenious Inventions by Women” by Catherine Thimmesh
  6. “Girls Think of Everything” narrates the stories of female inventors and their remarkable contributions to the world of innovation. The author celebrates the innovative spirit of women highlighting their contributions in various fields, ranging from medicine to household items.

  7. “Mistakes That Worked: 40 Familiar Inventions & How They Came to Be” by Charlotte Foltz Jones
  8. From Post-it notes and Play-Doh to Penicillin. The book is a compilation of accidental inventions that ended up changing the way things were being done across industries. The author unravels the journey of the accidental conception of a product or idea.

  9. “The Kid Who Invented the Popsicle: And Other Surprising Stories about Inventions” by Don L. Wulffson
  10. Wulffson presents intriguing facts and figures of unsung innovators and their creations, including Popsicles, doughnuts, and chewing gum. These stories unveil the power of the human mind and the importance of fostering the ability to think differently.

  11. “Now & Ben: The Modern Inventions of Benjamin Franklin” by Gene Barretta
  12. The author talks about the significant contributions of Benjamin Franklin. This book details Franklin’s innovative spirit by highlighting his inventions like bifocals, the Franklin stove, and the lightning rod.

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  13. “The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind” by William Kamkwamba
  14. William Kamkwamba narrates the true story of a young boy’s achievement of creating wind-powered machinery in his village.

  15. “Pop! The Invention of Bubble Gum” by Meghan McCarthy
  16. This book acts as a creative history lesson for kids, telling the story of Walter Diemer – the inventor of bubble gum.

  17. “Eureka!: The Most Amazing Scientific Discoveries of All Time” by Mike Goldsmith
  18. From the principles of Archimedes to the works of Einstein, the book explores a range of scientific breakthroughs throughout human history. Aided by visual illustrations, each scientific milestone is contextualised within its historical timeline.

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  19. “Inventors Who Changed the World” by Heidi Poelman
  20. The book presents the stories of innovators such as Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison and the Wright Brothers. Poelman narrates their life journeys, detailing their failures and successes. The stories inform readers about the diverse range of technological, medical, and intellectual advances these inventors contributed to the world.

  21. “Inventors: Incredible Stories of the Brilliant Minds Behind Everyday Items” by Georgia Amson-Bradshaw
  22. This book sparks children’s curiosity, narrating the tales behind the invention of everyday items and their creators.

  23. “The Man Who Knew Too Much” by David Leavitt
  24. The author tells Alan Turing’s story. It focusses on his key role in World War II as a mathematician and computer inventor.

  25. Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future” by Ashlee Vance
  26. This book profiles the life and achievements of Elon Musk who paved the way for electric vehicles and SpaceX.

    Also Read: Interesting books that teach kids of all ages about money

  27. “Steve Jobs” by Walter Isaacson:
  28. This book follows Steve Jobs’ life and his role as Apple’s co-founder.. It also talks about how he created iconic products like the iPhone.

  29. “The Inventor’s Secret” by Suzanne Slade
  30. The Inventor’s Secret is an informative, engaging narrative about Thomas Edison and Henry Ford’s joint venture on an alternative to gasoline— an exploration of their fresh collaboration on a secret project during their life in the 1920s in Florida.

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  31. “Longitude” by Dava Sobel
  32. The book chronicles the journey of a clockmaker, John Harrison, an inventor, who, in the 18th century, solved the problem of computing longitude at sea. Harrison’s creation of a chronometer refined navigation.

  33. “Inventions That Could Have Changed the World…But Didn’t” by Joe Rhatigan
  34. This fascinating book introduces young readers to inventions that did not make the cut but are interesting to learn about. From flying cars to picture phones, the book captures innovators’ visions that failed to resonate with consumer convenience or market dynamics.

    It underlines the relevance of optimization and consumer acceptance in addition to pure inventiveness in technological breakthroughs.

  35. “The Watcher” by Jeanette Winter
  36. This biography of Jane Goodall explains her observation-based inventions that revolve around chimpanzees in their natural habitat. The book adeptly educates children about wildlife conservation.

    Also Read: Top 20 Books by Sudha Murthy for Kids to Read!

  37. “Tesla: Inventor of the Modern” by Richard Munson
  38. This biography chronicles the extraordinary life of Nikola Tesla, a Serbian-American inventor and electrical engineer and his significant inventions like the AC electrical system.

    The technology is still used globally today.

  39. “Marvellous Cornelius: Hurricane Katrina and the Spirit of New Orleans” by Phil Bildner
  40. This story is about Cornelius Washington, a sanitation worker in New Orleans. It shows how he stayed strong and determined after Hurricane Katrina, and how he helped rebuild the city.

    A good book can spark the beginning of an inventor’s journey and help shape a child’s innovative mind.

At EuroSchool we provide students access to books that provide a wide range of perspectives on famous inventions and inventors, from the world of science and technology to aviation, mathematics, and beyond. By introducing them to the world of inventions and their creators, these books can inspire them to navigate the path of creativity, curiosity, and invention.

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