General knowledge questions for class 2

GK Questions for Class 2

Class 2 is when things start to get a bit more interesting. A bit more advanced. It is like your child is taking their first step to the ‘big kids’ league.

Everything they start learning from the second grade is a bit more complex than the basics from preschool to first grade. Now maths is more complicated. English has a lot more grammar rules. Geography is more about concepts than places. And even GK (or general knowledge) is of a higher level.

You see, even GK is not spared! That is why we thought we would compile a list of GK questions for class 2 so your kid is not left behind.

  1. The right-angled triangle has a longest side, and it is called?
  2. Hypotenuse. Yep, we are starting this list of GK questions for class 2 kids with a tough one!

  3. One crore has these many zeros!
  4. Might sound like a question straight out of KBC but the answer is seven!

  5. Our solar system has these many planets.
  6. Guess? If you thought nine, you are wrong. It is eight now.

  7. And the names of all these planets are?
  8. A relatively easy general knowledge question for class 2, here goes the list in no particular order: Venus, Earth, Mercury, Mars, Uranus, Neptune, Jupiter, Saturn.

  9. This planet among the eight is closest to ours!
  10. * drumroll please * The answer is Venus.

  11. And what about the one that is farthest from us?
  12. That would be Neptune. It is the last one in the order of planets.

  13. The number of moons the Earth has is?
  14. No points for guessing! It is one. Though we have one, other planets may have multiple moons.

  15. So which planet has the most moons?
  16. This general knowledge question for class 2’s answer is Saturn!

  17. And how many moons does Saturn have to be titled as the planet with the most moons?
  18. Hold your breath because the answer is 82!

  19. Okay so which is the largest moon that we have in our solar system?
  20. That has to be Ganymede. It is Jupiter’s moon, and it is a moon that is bigger than the planet Mercury!

  21. Let us move back to Earth. How many layers do we have in our atmosphere?
  22. Five. Can you name them all? In no particular order, they are stratosphere, troposphere, mesosphere, exosphere and thermosphere.

    Also Read: Country Flags: GK Questions and Answers for Kids

  23. The sun has so much energy. What is the cause of it?
  24. Again, one of the tough ones in our GK questions for class 2 in English list! Well, the cause of it is the fusion of two gases – helium and hydrogen.

  25. Forgot to ask but which is the planet closest to our sun?
  26. To keep it short and simple, it is Mercury.

  27. How long does it take for the sun’s light to hit our planet?
  28. Well, it takes approximately 8 minutes and 20 seconds.

  29. And what about the moonlight?
  30. That is a much shorter time, which stands at 1.26 seconds.

  31. Tell me the name of the inventor of the telephone?
  32. Kids may not see a landline around anymore but it is important to the answer to this, which is Alexander Graham Bell.

  33. And what about the radio?
  34. Another really old piece of tech whose inventor was Guglielmo Marconi.

  35. Next GK questions for class 2 in English is who composed our national anthem?
  36. The great poet and author, Rabindranath Tagore. He was a Nobel Laureate!

  37. How many colours is the mesmerising rainbow made of?
  38. Seven. Want us to list them? Again, in no particular order, they are red, blue, violet, green, yellow, indigo and orange.

  39. Time for a geography question – where is Mt. Everest?
  40. Part of the GK questions for 2 class, did you guess the answer to be India? It is in Nepal actually.

  41. And who was the first person that we know to have climbed it?
  42. The laurel of that goes to Tenzing Norgay and Edmund Hillary.

  43. And what about the first Indian to climb Everest?
  44. That was Avatar Singh Cheema.

  45. Okay, then who was the first woman to achieve this feat?
  46. Bachendri Pal. And she achieved the incredible feat of climbing Mt Everest in 1984.

  47. Name the designer of our beautiful tricoloured national flag.
  48. Care to venture a guess? We know it is a tough one. So the answer is Pingali Venkayya.

  49. Where is our Parliament?
  50. Easy GK question for 2 class, right? It is in New Delhi!

  51. Char Minar finds home in which city?
  52. Hyderabad.

    Also Read: Simple GK Questions On Sports

  53. Two rivers are responsible for the largest delta in the world! Any guesses?
  54. The answer is Brahmaputra and Ganga!

  55. This bone has the title of the shortest in the human body!
  56. Stapes. And it is in the ear!

  57. And what about the largest?
  58. That is the femur, and it is located in the thigh region.

  59. Which is the longest river in our whole country?
  60. Why the Ganga of course!

  61. How many states do we have in our great country?
  62. 29, kids!

  63. And how many union territories?
  64. That number stands at seven currently.

  65. And our great Indian national capital is?
  66. New Delhi. You knew that one!

  67. The Indian national fruit is?
  68. The scrumptious and completely irresistible mango!

  69. What is our national game, or sport rather?
  70. The honour of that goes to hockey actually, not cricket.

    Also Read: Tips to Remember GK And Current Affairs for Exams

  71. Which city has the Hawa Mahal in it?

    The pink city of Jaipur. GK questions 2 class whose answer everybody should know!

  72. Our national flag has a wheel in the centre, which has this many spokes.
  73. 24.

  74. The ratio of our national flag’s length to its width is?
  75. 3:2

  76. The gap between Dussehra and Diwali is made up of how many days?
  77. 20

  78. Who is our current Prime Minister? He’s the 14th one overall.
  79. Narendra Damodardas Modi.

  80. And our current President is?
  81. Droupadi Murmu. She is the 15th one!

  82. We have something called the First Citizen of India. Who is that?
  83. Our president.

  84. And who is the Second Citizen?
  85. The vice president.

  86. And the third one?
  87. The prime minister.

    Also Read: Competitive Exams for Class 1 to 5

  88. How many continents do we have in our world?
  89. We have got seven of them!

  90. And how many oceans?
  91. Five.

  92. How many bones do we have in an adult human body?
  93. 206.

  94. How many total teeth does an adult have?
  95. 32

    Parents, we know you had fun with this GK questions 2 class list as well! And you know what? Our classes are just as fun for your kids. Fun and engaging and nurturing. Stimulating their minds and opening them up to a whole new world of education that readies them for the future. To know more, visit your nearest EuroSchool branch.

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