General knowledge questions for class 3

GK Questions for Class 3

Has your kid made it to class 3?


That is a major milestone unlocked. And with this milestone comes new subjects, new curiosities and a whole new world of knowledge that is bound to help your baby grow further. They grow up so fast, do they not?

That said, their knowledge should match their growth pace. Which means it should grow with them. And that includes expanding their horizons with general knowledge.

In that spirit, we have made a list of general knowledge questions for class 3 just for you and your little one. With answers, of course!

  1. This country is where chess found its origin?
  2. India. Yep, it is our motherland!

  3. What is our country’s national tree? Any guesses?
  4. You got it! It is the banyan tree.

  5. This is the highest mountain on our whole planet! Hint: it is in Nepal.
  6. Mt. Everest is the correct answer! You know some of our general knowledge questions for class 3 were going to be easy!

  7. Who was our great nation’s first president?
  8. Chances are, you already know it was Dr. Rajendra Prasad.

  9. Can you guess the name of the inventor of the printing press?
  10. It is Johannes Gutenberg and he changed the world forever!

  11. This bird is known to be the smallest in our whole world.
  12. It is the humble bee hummingbird!

  13. This man invented the computer, the device you cannot live without!
  14. Charles Babbage. A visionary that deserves to be on any GK questions for class 3 in English list.

  15. Speaking of computers, this woman was known as the ‘human computer’.
  16. Back in 1982, Shakuntala Devi earned this title for her exceptional maths skills!

  17. Paper money did not always exist and this country was the first one to use it. Guess!
  18. It was China.

  19. Can you name the smallest continent in the world?
  20. Australia is correct.

    Also Read: Country Flags: GK Questions and Answers

  21. How about the largest country? In terms of area?
  22. That has to be Russia with its massive area of 17.1 million square kilometres.

  23. This land animal is the fastest ever! Guess.
  24. Cheetah is the one.

  25. Can you guess how many moons Jupiter has? It is three shy of Saturn!
  26. 79 moons! Imagine living there.

  27. What is the distance between the sun and the Earth?
  28. This distance stands at 153 million kilometres.

  29. In India, this mountain is the highest peak.
  30. The majestic Kanchenjunga in  West Bengal.

  31. This Indian city in Asia was the first one to get electric streetlights.
  32. It is none other than Namma Bengaluru!

  33. Saturn, as you know, has many moons, but the largest of them all is called this!
  34. Titan. Mighty name for a mighty moon.

  35. ___ is the biggest part of the human brain!
  36. The answer of this GK question for class 3 is the cerebrum.

  37. These two super visionaries founded the legendary Google in 1998.
  38. Sergey Brin and Larry Page.

  39. Moving on, guess the first person to calculate Pi!
  40. Archimedes was the Greek mathematician who achieved this incredible feat.

  41. We use this instrument to know the speed of wind.
  42. We admit. This is a tough GK question for class 3. Anyway, the answer is anemometre.

    Also Read: Simple GK Questions On Sports

  43. This planet, because it is the farthest, also takes the longest to complete a single revolution.
  44. Neptune.

  45. ___ is forever because it is the hardest substance we have.
  46. You guessed it, it is the sparkling and brilliant diamond!

  47. This famous American astronaut was the first person to make the historic, iconic landing on the moon.
  48. Neil Armstrong.

  49. Can you guess the duration of World War I?
  50. Four years is exactly correct. The years were 1914 to 1918.

  51. This is the smallest country we have in the whole world.
  52. Vatican City. Though it is small, it is mighty as it is the home of the pope! GK questions for 3rd class keep getting interesting, right?

  53. We celebrate this on 5th June every single year.
  54. World Environment Day. An important day to reflect, review and change the way we treat our precious world.

  55. The Nightingale of India is a title held by whom?
  56. The correct answer to this GK question for 3rd class is Sarojini Naidu.

  57. A legend and icon no less, she was the first woman Prime Ministry of our country.
  58. Indira Gandhi.

  59. Let us see if you know this one! Who was the first female president of our country, India?
  60. Pratibha Patil is correct.

  61. He is known as the Father of the Indian Constitution. Any guesses?
  62. It is Dr. BR Ambedkar, a forever fighter of equality.

  63. Can you guess the national flower of our country?
  64. It is the beautiful and sacred flower of lotus.

  65. This place is the coldest on planet Earth.
  66. It is the Vostok Station. And it is in Antarctica, so no points for guessing that.

    Also Read: Tips to Remember GK And Current Affairs for Exams

  67. This place has earned the title of the ‘Land of White Elephants’.
  68. One of the super interesting GK questions 3rd class students might ask. The answer is Thailand, by the way.

  69. This is the largest rainforest we have on our planet and it is largely unexplored too.
  70. The Amazon rainforest in South America is right!

  71. This part of a computer is commonly called its brain!
  72. It is the CPU. It houses the motherboard and other important circuitry that keeps this machine running.

  73. Every element is made up of this one single thing.
  74. Atoms!

  75. Can you guess the tallest statue in the whole world?
  76. Nope, it is not the Statue of Liberty. It is our very own Statue of Unity in Gujarat! A matter of pride for us.

  77. Speaking of statues, can you guess where the Statue of Liberty is?
  78. New York City, United States of America. That is where it is.

  79. Guess the major language spoken in the hilly northeastern state of Meghalaya.
  80. Khasi.

  81. And what about the most widely spoken language of Kerala?
  82. That would be Malayalam.

  83. This state is known as the Tiger State in India.
  84. Madhya Pradesh because 19% of our nation’s tiger population lives there!

    Also Read: SmartKid General Knowledge Olympiad

  85. BC or Before Christ was replaced with this recently.
  86. BCE or Before the Common Era.

  87. And what was AD or Anno Domini replaced with?
  88. CE or Common Era.

  89. If your national anthem only has music, which country do you belong to?
  90. Spain!

Trust us, we could go on and on with our list of GK questions 3rd class students could, should, and would ask! There is no end to knowing the facts of the world. After all, the world is so fascinating and full of so many great things. Want your child to develop a solid worldview? You should get your kids admitted to EuroSchool. Our advanced curriculum is bound to help your kids grow into world-class citizens. Visit us to know more!

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