The Power of Positive Affirmations: Boost Your Happiness and Well-Being

The Power of Positive Affirmations Boost Your Happiness and Well-Being

We love because we have been shown love.

Self-love is unconditional. It isn’t based on feelings, actions, or what we do—it’s a constant. Consider how the wildflowers grow: they neither toil nor spin, yet they are magnificent and beautiful, leaving the world in awe. In the same way, your worth is not determined by what you do or don’t do. Simply by being, you bring splendour to the world.

Positive affirmations—what a powerful phrase, full of promise and hope. Staying positive is an art. Whether you realise it or not, you are an influence on yourself. You experience the world through your actions, learn through your words, and see yourself through love.

When we slow down enough to recognise and count our blessings—when we acknowledge: I am loved. I am worthy. I am happy. I am enough. I am beautiful. I am confident. I am blessed. I am…—our perspective shifts. Gratitude, followed by joy, begins to replace resentment, fear, and doubt.

Sometimes, when we are in the midst of hopelessness, we may feel afraid or discouraged. During these times, when it’s difficult to maintain a positive outlook, we can still hold on to hope. Whatever you are facing, remind yourself that you are not alone, and say out loud, I am enough.

What does being positive do to your body?

The more we work at happiness, the happier we become. Our outlook on life improves, we notice the positives, appreciate the little things, and best of all—happiness is contagious. Actively and intentionally boosting our happy hormones increases the chemicals that reduce anxiety and stress, and combat low mood, which positively impacts our mental health and well-being.

Being positive helps us get a good D.O.S.E:

  • D – Dopamine: The “feel-good” hormone
  • O – Oxytocin: The “love” hormone
  • S – Serotonin: The “mood stabiliser”
  • E – Endorphins: The “pain-relief” hormone

Dopamine is a reward chemical that helps you stay productive, celebrate wins, set goals, and achieve them. It promotes mindfulness, self-care, and builds self-esteem and resilience.

Oxytocin is the love chemical responsible for relationships and social bonding. It integrates happiness, kindness, and love, and amplifies admirable traits such as loyalty, trustworthiness, courage, generosity, and empathy.

Serotonin stabilises our mood, improves memory, encourages restful sleep, and aids digestion. It keeps you motivated and physically active.

Endorphins are pain-relieving chemicals that help the body feel better, especially during times of physical discomfort. They help you relax, laugh, be creative, and overcome stress, anxiety, depression, and worry.

So you see, getting a D.O.S.E is essential, and to achieve this, maintaining a positive mindset is crucial.

Dopamine, Oxytocin, Serotonin, and Endorphins are all “happy hormones.” When released into the body, they have a profound impact on your mood.

“An emotion is really energy in motion. However, when you are upset, anxious, or worried about something, your focus of attention gets stuck on how you feel—the emotion. This causes the emotion to become blocked. You know you have blocked or stuck emotions when you can’t move on from something, when you struggle to let go of how you feel, and when you hold yourself back in some way. It sounds ridiculously simple, but by having a positive impact on your body, you can transform how you feel in minutes.” – Wendy, The Pamper Lounge

Staying positive is the closest thing to magic, and the magic begins with you. When you can’t control what’s happening, challenge yourself to take control of how you respond to it. That’s where the power lies.

So, stay positive and don’t forget to get a D.O.S.E.

Always listen to your heart, because even though it’s on your left side, it’s always right. – Nicholas Sparks

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