Marks Vs Knowledge: Understanding the Importance

Knowledge Vs Marks in Education

Academics always have and will continue to occupy the top spot in an individual’s life. From the very start of a child’s life, parents are worried about their child’s cognitive development. Looking closely at a country like India where most of a child’s life is dominated by education, a persistent and crucial question arises. This question is related to the education system and the delicate balance between marks and knowledge. It is not an unknown fact that in India marks play a vital role in determining a student’s performance in school. However, this may not entirely hold when it comes to assessing one’s job performance. Unfortunately, the Indian Education System is highly mark-oriented. The unfortunate part about it is that it does not lay enough emphasis on the acquisition of knowledge. As parents, you may be extremely worried, wondering what this precisely means. The good thing is that while marks play a huge factor in one’s school life, the knowledge one acquires during one’s schooling plays an even bigger role in determining one’s career. Before going deeper into the topic, let’s look at why marks began to occupy such a crucial spot in a child’s school life.

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The Historical Context Of Education In India

Initially, Indian society laid a great amount of emphasis on the Gurukul system of education in which the Guru prioritised knowledge, wisdom, life skills and ethical values over marks. So, what changed? How did India move from a society that valued knowledge to one that now may lean in favour of marks? This is precisely where many parents are dumbstruck, as they are faced with the challenge of understanding the importance of knowledge and questioning the importance of marks vs knowledge. To put it simply, post-colonialism had a great role to play in not only making education more formalised in India but also making it more mark-oriented. Ever since the British invaded India and set up numerous educational institutions, the society in India shifted from one that valued knowledge to one that now values marks. The emergence of educational boards now puts immense pressure on students appearing for the board examinations at the class 10 and 12 levels.

So, if marks matter so much, where does that leave the value and importance of knowledge? Thankfully, our society has still managed to retain its sanity. Knowledge acquired during one’s schooling still plays a role in determining the professional success of individuals.

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Understanding The Importance of Knowledge

Unlike marks, knowledge is a broader term that represents a more enduring approach to education. It involves the grasping of ideas, the understanding of concepts and the application of them in real-life situations. Unlike rote learning, knowledge builds critical thinking skills, fosters curiosity and encourages individuals to solve problems by applying the information learned. Here are a few reasons why knowledge still occupies an integral spot in the education system.

  • Holistic development- Knowledge fosters a holistic approach to education as it engages students in understanding various subjects and concepts contained in them. Through this process, students can make connections between different ideas across different subjects. The acquisition of knowledge helps your little ones grow socially, emotionally, as well as intellectually.
  • Real-life application- Unlike marks, knowledge is not confined to a particular textbook or an examination. Instead, it helps a young child develop into a self-sufficient individual by being able to solve practical problems at home and in the workplace. For instance, when one appears for an interview, the individual’s knowledge of the job matters more than the one or two marks which he or she could not secure in an examination.
  • Adaptability- One of the greatest challenges in life is adjusting and adapting to different situations. A knowledge-based education system equips students with the ability to perform well and adapt to different challenges. It is always better to teach a student to fish than to serve him one on a plate.
  • Motivation- Children are motivated when they know they are studying something that can be applied to their lives. No one would like to study something that has no practical use. A knowledge-based education system creates a genuine love for learning.

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Striking A Balance Between Marks And Knowledge

Now that you know that the acquisition of knowledge is as, if not more important than scoring well in an examination, it’s time to deal with the question of how to strike a balance between the two. The importance of marks in the Indian Education System is undeniable. However, there exists a crucial difference between knowledge and marks. The essential difference lies in the fact that marks are limited to particular examinations and in no way directly translate to a child’s understanding of a concept. However, knowledge is the learning of concepts and ideas which a child retains for life. As a parent and caregiver, you must understand that a balanced approach to both is required. Here are a few things that you can do as parents to teach your children the importance of marks and knowledge.

  • Parents should encourage their kids to think critically from a very young age. Simple problem-solving activities through fun and interactive games can help children not only learn faster but also remember the concepts for a prolonged time.
  • A good way of striking a balance between the two is by maintaining a healthy harmony between studying and activities. Fostering a love for activities can help children develop better motor skills.
  • Parents can teach children the importance of relating content and concepts to practical life scenarios. This goes a long way in creating a love for subjects and learning.
  • Implementing the use of visual aids in the teaching-learning process is a noteworthy technique, striking a balance between studying for marks and understanding for the sake of acquiring knowledge.

Here at EuroSchool, our team of highly skilled professionals focus on formulating a curriculum that is based on the principles of holistic development. We strive to engage the mind, body and soul in the educational journey to ensure that students learn not just for marks in the examination but also to acquire knowledge that will help them in securing employment in the future. Apart from dealing with helping parents understand the importance of marks and the importance of knowledge, we also focus on helping parents understand more about child nutrition and healthcare. To know more, visit our nearest centre or check out our blog.

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