The importance of physical education for young children

Importance of physical education

In an age marked by an increase in childhood obesity, increased screen time and a sedentary lifestyle, physical education has grown to be increasingly vital to the holistic development of young children. The modern education system often overlooks physical education as an essential part of learning among young children.

Fostering physical fitness and promoting an active lifestyle from an early age is crucial for the overall well-being of children. Hence physical education should be considered as essential as any other academic subject, as it significantly contributes to children’s physical, social and psychological well-being.

In this blog, we will explore the numerous benefits of physical education for young children and understand why it deserves a place in their educational journey.

  1. Promotes physical health
  2. The American Heart Association indicates that children should engage in at least 60 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous exercise each day. Physical education helps meet this need in a structured, enjoyable manner. Activities such as running, jumping, and sports help stimulate the growth and development of bones and muscles. Regular physical activity also aids in maintaining a healthy weight, reducing the risk of obesity—a rampant concern in many countries. Moreover, teaching different types of physical activities such as jumping rope, martial arts, and yoga helps them build a lifelong habit of staying active.

  3. Enhances motor skills
  4. As per research, children who engaged in daily physical activity have shown better motor skills, attention, and academic performance. Physical activities such as running, jumping, catching, throwing and balancing, help children build endurance, strength and flexibility while also helping them with their motor skills including coordination, balance, agility and spatial awareness.

  5. Boosts cognitive abilities
  6. Physical education is not only about exercising the body. It also has a significant impact on the minds of young children. Physical activities cause an increase in blood flow, oxygen, and glucose to the brain. This not only enhances brain function, it also builds cognitive abilities, such as memory, concentration and retention. Regular physical activity also builds problem-solving skills.

  7. Build social interactions
  8. Physical education encourages social interaction, communication, and cooperation among children. It presents opportunities for them to interact with their peers, build friendships, and learn vital life skills, like teamwork, problem-solving, and conflict resolution. This social interaction helps to build children’s self-esteem and confidence, leading to improved social well-being.

  9. Improved mental health and well-being
  10. Physical education is an opportunity for young children to set goals for themselves, make plans to achieve them and work towards their goals. As they see progress, they gain confidence in their abilities which in turn builds their self-esteem and sense of accomplishment. They develop a growth mindset in which they learn from their mistakes and failures and take on new challenges with a positive attitude.

    Physical education also helps in managing stress, feelings of anxiety and promotes a sense of well-being. Engaging in various physical activities regularly allows young children to channelise their emotional and physical energies into the activity. This reduces behavioural issues and emotional outbursts.

    Studies have shown that physically active children tend to have lower levels of anxiety and depression. Encouraging physical activity from a young age can, therefore, boost emotional well-being. It releases endorphins, known as “feel-good” hormones that help in steadying mood swings, keeping the mind relaxed, and mitigating symptoms of stress and depression.

  11. Instils discipline and time management skills
  12. Physical education teaches children to be disciplined in their routines and consistent in their efforts. They learn to follow schedules, set goals, prioritise activities and manage their time effectively. These skills contribute to their success in their academic as well as personal lives.

    Physical education also helps children imbibe significant traits of teamwork, leadership, and perseverance, which are vital skills that contribute to their overall character development.

  13. Cultivate integrity and sportsmanship
  14. Participating in sports activities, competitions and matches regularly, helps children understand the value of following the rules, respecting their opponents and listening to the diverse views and learnings of referees and coaches. They learn to play fair, demonstrating values of integrity and sportsmanship even when losing a game.

  15. Inculcate healthy habits
  16. Physical education helps children cultivate healthier habits throughout their life. Introducing students to different forms of exercise, sports and recreational activities can reverse the trend of obesity and sedentary behaviours in the current generation. Regular exercise and consumption of a balanced diet reduce the risk of chronic illnesses associated with a sedentary lifestyle, such as heart disease, diabetes, and obesity.

  17. Maintains sleeping patterns
  18. Studies have shown that regular physical activity can help regulate a child’s circadian rhythms, the internal clock that regulates sleep-wake cycles. Exercise helps synchronise this internal clock, making it easier for children to fall asleep at the same time each night and wake up feeling refreshed in the morning. In addition to sleep duration, a good amount of physical activity also enhances sleep quality. Physically active children often experience fewer sleep disturbances resulting in more restful sleep.

  19. Opens avenues for a career in sports
  20. Physical education acts as a catalyst for nurturing sporting talent and fosters a love for sports in children. It provides opportunities for children to discover their passion and interest in sports and develop the skills and attitude required to pursue a potential career in the sports industry. By providing access to world-class sports facilities, training and coaching, schools can play a pivotal role in creatin-g a generation of talented and motivated sports individuals who will contribute to the advancement of sports globally.


Physical education is an essential push for the comprehensive development of students. Its long-term benefits to physical, mental health, cognitive abilities, and character are irrefutable. Hence, understanding the importance of physical education, developing structured programs for the same, and providing an optimal environment for physical activities should be held paramount in schools. It should be treated with the same seriousness as academic subjects in the school curriculum and schools should also focus on creating a safe, inclusive environment for physical activities that emphasise skill development, teamwork, and joy, rather than competitiveness.

EuroSchool provides a well-rounded physical education curriculum ensuring that students not only stay physically fit but also develop essential life skills such as teamwork, discipline, and leadership.

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