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How to prepare for CBSE Board Exams

Here are some strategies and ways how to prepare for CBSE class 10 boards. These ideas can be used for class 12th CBSE board preparation as well.

Board exams are the qualifying exams for secondary and senior secondary education. In Indian education, it is also called 10th and 12th grades. These exams have an important impact on the future of any child. This exam and its results determine the course of action for a student. It determines which course the student is eligible for, which colleges can he/she apply to, whether he/she gets assigned to scholarships, etc. All these aspects are determined with two such examinations. Students must endure twice such examinations, one of them is for 10th board preparation and the second is for 12th board preparation.

Board exams are very difficult to score at, as they are one of the most important examinations in a student’s educational career. It requires persistence and immense determination to score high level percentile in the examination. Both parents and students must focus on scheduled study times and regulated classroom and non-classroom education. Scoring high in boards is not only just a student affair but also a parent’s responsibility to assist a student in whatever way possible to make that achievable.

CBSE exam preparation can be done through various ways and sources. Parents, teachers, and students can adopt a number of strategies and tricks to get through the CBSE exam preparation phase.

Also Read: CBSE vs ICSE: The Difference Between CBSE and ICSE Board

Strategies to prepare for Class 10 boards and class 12

Here are some strategies and ways to prepare for class 10 boards. These ideas can be used for class 12th CBSE board preparation as well.

● Familiarity with the board exam paper

Just like how we know our friends well and are familiar with their aspects, just as we know about our friends, what they like, and what they do not like. Similarly practising a lot of question papers so that the student becomes familiar with the questions and the board exam pattern. It is important to know what types of questions are asked, what is the weightage of marks, and what is the marks distribution.

● Timetable

Investing time in a timetable might seem a cliché but spending time to analyse all the habits and routines of a student’s day might only help them to manage and dedicate appropriate time to focus only on CBSE board preparation. How to make a timetable? First check how many subjects are there, for instance, say a student has 6 subjects. So, the student can allot one subject for each day and the extra day can be dedicated for the most difficult subject according to the student.

● Keep targets

A target will help the student to achieve, nonetheless. Targets can be determined by how many chapters are present in each subject or how many topics each chapter has in correlation with how many days are left to prepare.

● Focus day

Keep one day for one such subject which turns out to be the most difficult to accomplish or finish. This day is apart from the normal days of the week dedicated to each subject. This is like an extra day for that same subject that has already been done in the week. On this day the student must not include any other subjects. This extra day should be dedicated only to that subject. This subject could either be a personally difficult subject for the student or might have the largest syllabus to complete.

● Complete the incomplete

Surely no matter how well prepared anyone is, there must be chapters or topics that are lightly read through or are even incomplete or partially done. These topics and chapters should be done first quickly like taking a bitter pill quickly, because once these are done then the rest of the syllabus is just a cakewalk.

● Do not believe in rumours

There are always rumours like, ‘this topic is sure to come for the exams’ or ‘this came last and the year before so this question will definitely come this year as well’, or ‘this topic came last year so this will not come this year’. These are just rumours and nothing else, do not believe them. Prioritise studying all the chapters and topics, do not leave out anything. These rumours might backfire and can cause a distraction from the goal.

● 55+5 formula

Study for 55 minutes and then take a power break for 5 minutes. Repeat this every hour if the study time continues. 55 minutes of at most focus and energy and 5 minutes of chilling or relaxed time. In these 5 minutes students could drink water, get up from the chair, walk around the house, and listen to some music. These five minutes must be utilised wisely, students must not invest these 5 minutes to get on social media as it shifts the focus to other matters that are visually available on social media. Hence this formula can be used to study efficiently by utilising the least time to accomplish as much as one can.

● Compete with self

Do not worry about getting the top marks on the whole examination, do not think about beating others, and compete with yourself. True satisfaction is knowing that the best possible effort has been put forth.

● Practise more than expected

Practise every opportunity. There are several websites and books that offer sample papers, and previous years’ question papers. Dedicate most of the time prior to the exam to practise as much as possible. Focus on practising so much that a student at least finishes 2 to 3 full-fledged question papers a day.

● Organised Study space

If the study space is messed up or is filled with clutter, then the mind will have a direct impact on the surroundings. Organising study space will not cause distractions while studying. It is important to have a clean and clear study space prior to beginning the study routine. A clean study space or desk will help focus only on the study material. It will help find space to spread the books and other studying aids to the best advantage.

● Same study place

Make a habit of studying at the same place and at the same time. Firstly, this will help to develop a study habit and secondly, it will help in registering the right time and place dedicated to study and for study alone.

● No electronic devices

Phones, laptops, and reading pads are a big distraction as it creates an unwanted indulgence towards them even though it was only for a short time. This 5 minute distraction could suddenly become a one hour distraction without realisation. It is better to avoid than be guilty later.

● Study techniques

For instance, when reading a new chapter, highlighting, or underlining points that feel important is a great way to relate to the topic easily. Writing or drawing formulas or diagrams or charts in a separate book can help in recollecting and remembering at the time of the test.

Also Read: 10 Benefits of CBSE Board Education

In EuroSchool, our professionals are dedicated to providing top standard guidance on how to prepare for the CBSE class 10 boards examination. With constant attention and care for individual students. Focusing on both strengths and weaknesses of each student.

Feel free to ask any questions about school admissions, fees, or other details, and we’ll gladly assist you! EuroSchool is a great choice for families in metro cities seeking a valuable, global education. The learning experience in these cities focuses on developing a love for learning and preparing students with essential skills like adaptability, critical thinking, and a worldwide outlook for their future.

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