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4 simple steps to teach your kids odd and even numbers

odd and even numbers activities

Not everyone is a number whiz. Some kids take more time to navigate through numbers, and that is okay. It is better to slow down your learning a little bit than learn bits and pieces in a rush. That does not make for a solid foundation, which is exactly what your kids need when it comes to learning all about numbers. Including odd and even numbers. But do not worry. The fix for it is right here, given below.

How to introduce odd and even numbers to kids

When it comes to the question of “how to introduce odd and even numbers”, stick to the basics. There is more than a good chance kids will already know their number count up to 100. So for starters you can tell them that between 1 to 10, there will be 5 numbers that are not the multiples of 2. These will be odd numbers, and the rest are even ones. Ask them to guess before you reveal which ones.

Also read: What are consecutive numbers?

How to explain odd and even numbers to kids

Now let us talk about how to explain odd and even numbers. To take it to the next level, tell your kids that even numbers can always be split into two equal parts, while odd ones cannot be. Tell them to remember this as a general rule of thumb so they know at any given point which number will be odd and which even in a given number bracket. A neat trick for tests and exams.

How to teach odd and even numbers to kids in 4 easy steps

Before we get to the steps, let’s just list all the odd and even numbers between 1 to 10, shall we?

Odd numbers:

  • One
  • Three
  • Five
  • Seven
  • Nine

Even numbers:

  • Two
  • Four
  • Six
  • Eight
  • Ten

Now let us dive deep into how to teach odd and even numbers. Step by step.

Also read: Consecutive Numbers: Examples, Formulas, and Properties for Preschoolers

Step #1: Explain the basics through interactive play

Just telling kids what odd and even numbers are is kind of boring, is it not? Spice it up a little bit so they retain it better with interactive play learning sessions.

How do you turn it into a game, you ask? That is simple. You can try any of the n number of math apps available online. And if that is not to your liking, you can use things like fruits or colourful blocks to teach kids odd and even numbers in a rather interactive and fun fashion.

Such simple activities will help kids grasp the basic concept and put it into practice quite easily.

Step #2: Teach them all about pairing and grouping

So now that kids know the basics, you have to find ways to help them retain what they have learned. And that is where pairing and grouping can come in handy.

Call this crucial step because pairing and grouping can help kids visualise odd and even numbers more effectively. Besides, it also reinforces the practical experience of using these numbers so they can apply their principles in the real world.

You can use everyday objects such as coins, colourful clips, plastic balls etc to teach kids about pairing and grouping. Get kids to pair these objects together and see if anyone is left out so they can know if they have odd or even number objects in their hands.

Also read: What are Composite Numbers

Step #3: Help them recognise patterns

You know that odd and even numbers follow a pattern but your child does not yet. So for them to learn and recognise patterns, you have got to demonstrate it.

You can do this by preparing some flash cards with each card bearing numbers 1 to 10.

Now on a soft board, create two columns. One for odd numbers. And one for even numbers. Now place the flash cards with the numbers 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 in the even numbers column and the numbers 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9 in the odd number column so kids can see the pattern.

You can jumble up the flash cards and ask your kids to sort them in the right columns as a fun game!

Step #4: Make them put odd and even numbers to practical use

Finally, you can use story problems to teach kids all about the practical application of odd and even numbers. Think of it as gradual progression – it is the natural next step in their learning. Especially if you know they have mastered the first three steps.

That said, for story problems you can use everyday situations to further reinforce the concept of odd and even numbers in them.

For example, when you go to buy apples and pick up half a dozen, you can ask your child to divide them equally between three people and watch if they answer correctly.

You can even up the ante by creating problems with odd numbers. As long as you encourage your child to use mental math to solve this problem. And it is okay if they use physical objects at first to do the sorting and the solving. The goal is to arrive at the right answer on their own.

Apart from these four steps, you can also resort to using online games as teaching tools. Worksheets and the days of week are great ways to solidify the concept of odd and even numbers too. For more such clever and informative blogs, visit EuroSchool.

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