How Parent Engagement Leads to Student Success

How Parent Engagement Leads to Student Success

Parent engagement in Schools and in their education is increasingly regarded as being essential to pupils’ academic performance and personal growth. For a child to function well academically and generally, parental engagement in their education is essential. According to researchers’ academic achievements rise when parents are actively involved in their children’s education. Research has also shown parental participation promotes a love of learning, increased motivation and self-esteem, and enhanced social and emotional development. The advantages of a parent’s involvement in their children’s education and how it helps the child and the family are discussed below. 

Benefits for Parent Engagement in Schools:

Encouraging parent engagement in schools is crucial for student achievement. It enhances academic performance, attendance, and graduation rates and promotes the development of a positive attitude towards learning. 

Relationship management: By encouraging pleasant relationships between parents and children, which can result in greater social and emotional development, parental engagement can improve the relationship management of students. Parents can strengthen their own bond with children by showing interest in kids’ education. Children are more willing to reveal and share their concerns to parents when they believe that they are interested in them. It encourages children to take responsibility. Since children are more inclined to accept responsibility for their acts and learn from their mistakes, this accountability can result in improved relationship management. They can give encouragement and work to increase a child’s self-esteem, which can help them manage relationships better. Parent involvement has positive effects on children’s mindset 

Lower behavioural problems in Students: It fosters a good attitude towards learning and a conviction in the importance of education when parents show an interest in their children’s education. Fostering a child’s sense of identity, self-worth, and confidence can help their social and emotional development. Children who have involved parents are more likely to finish high school and go on to further their education. It is convenient for parents to establish rules and govern the children’s behaviour as compared to teachers. Rules governing screen time, homework, and other activities can be included in this. When kids are aware about rules and expectations, they are more likely to behave responsibly. Parent involvement can help solve various behavioural issues. 

Self-Motivated Students: The promotion of student motivation through parental involvement is crucial. A child will become responsible and motivated when they learn how parents are actively involved in their education. They can assist a youngster in setting academic objectives and developing a strategy to meet them. This teaches kids the value of being accountable for their education while also inspiring them to work for their goals. When you allow children to make their own decisions and take charge of their own education, it helps them develop their sense of independence. This procedure nurtures self-motivation and a sense of accomplishment in the participants. Parents that are actively involved in their child’s education are better able to acclaim and recognise their actions. The encouragement to keep pursuing their objectives is boosted by this acknowledgement. Parent involvement can help build a highly confident child. 

Educational Success: Parents that are actively interested in their child’s education show their child the value of education and encourage academic success. When parents are actively involved in their children’s education, they are more likely to monitor attendance and make sure that they attend class regularly. Academically successful children are more likely to have parents who regularly communicate with teachers, assist with homework, and monitor their child’s development. 

Tips for Parents:

A key element in fostering student achievement is parent engagement. Parents’ support for Students can have a huge impact on their academics. Here are some ways that parent engagement might enhance students’ academic success and personal growth: 

Be Present at school: One method to express support and keep tabs on your child’s development is to attend your child’s school events. A great method to discuss your child’s progress with their teacher and learn if there are any areas that could need development is to go to parent-teacher conferences. To demonstrate your support for your child and their school, go to sporting events and performances at the school. Be informed about school policies and events by reading school newsletters and emails. Keep communicating with your child’s teacher regularly and inform them of any concerns or questions you may have about your child’s education. Parents’ support for students can change a student’s mindset in a positive way. 

Show interest: Being interested in their child’s education is one of the most vital things a parent can do to improve their academic achievement. As your child leaves school, find out what they learnt and what they most loved. Listen to them. Spend some time going over your child’s homework and talking about any difficulties they may be having. Show an interest in what your child is studying and offer to help them with their homework and school projects. Discuss the stories and characters you read to your child each day. Set academic objectives with your kid and acknowledge their accomplishments. Parents support for student in their academic and life can be seen when they show interest 

Build Positive attitude:  By responding to their inquiries and exploring new subjects with them, you can foster your child’s inherent curiosity. By speaking highly of education and learning and encouraging your children to enjoy the learning process, you may demonstrate to your children how much you respect education and learning. By stressing that abilities may be improved through effort and commitment, you can aid your child in developing a growth mindset. By encouraging healthy habits like exercise, a nutritious diet, and adequate rest, you can encourage your child to keep a balanced approach to learning. Parents may assist their children in their academic success and foster a lifetime love of learning by modeling a good attitude towards education. 

Tips for Teachers

There are various ways teachers might encourage parent engagement. Teachers are pillars of support for both students and parents during their educational career. The tactics listed below can help teachers engage more parents in their students’ education while also improving the atmosphere in which they learn. 

Ease Communication: Parents and teachers can regularly discuss their child’s development, behaviour, and any worries they may have. In terms of the frequency and style of communication with parents, teachers can clearly define the expectations. This makes it easier for both parents and instructors to understand what to expect and prevent misunderstandings. Teachers can connect with parents over calls, texts, and emails. The most convenient channel can be selected by parents. Parents’ questions and concerns should be addressed by teachers. They ought to be prompt in their responses to messages, phone calls, and emails. 

Create opportunities: Building solid relationships between teachers and parents requires opportunities for parent-teacher get-togethers. Meetups can assist instructors in identifying any areas where their students might need extra assistance, and they can collaborate with parents to give the required tools and solutions. When you inform parents about what their children are learning and ways in which they can support it at home, it helps encourage parental engagement in their children’s education. Meetups give teachers and parents the chance to collaborate in order to find answers to any problems that can arise in a child’s academic or social development. 

Regular Meet-ups: Parent-teacher conferences can increase parental engagement in your classroom and help you, your kids, and your school achieve success. In general, whether or not teachers should support frequent parent gatherings depends on a number of variables, including the requirements and preferences of the families involved, the accessibility of resources, and the objectives of the school or classroom. 

Understand challenges: Regular parent gatherings could also have some challenges. For instance, schedule conflicts or other obligations could prevent parents from attending. Also, some parents might not feel at ease in a group setting or might not be able to afford the transportation charges or other expenses related to attending these meetings. The possible advantages and disadvantages of these meetings may be taken into account by teachers, who should collaborate with parents to create a strategy that satisfies everyone’s needs. Teachers and schools must be aware of these challenges and work to overcome them in order to strengthen relationships with parents. To accomplish this, it may be necessary to plan creative solutions to scheduling issues, provide language assistance to families who require it, and strive to foster involvement and trust among all members of the school community. 

Appreciate: A simple “thank you” can go a long way. “I appreciate your excitement for continuing to be involved in your child’s education”, something you can remark while thanking them for their efforts. Follow up with the parents regularly after your conversation with them to give them an update on their child’s progress or to address any other questions they might have. This might demonstrate your dedication to maintaining open lines of communication and working together with parents. Inform the parents if the pupil is improving or is making good academic progress. 

How Can Schools Facilitate parent-teacher engagement?

Provide Space: It’s critical to give parents and teachers a place to interact, communicate, and work together in order to promote parent-teacher engagement. Set up conferences; conferencing can be physical or virtual, as preferred by the institution. Parent-teacher interaction can take place in a friendly and laid-back setting during school events. Back-to-school nights, open homes, and family fun nights are just a few of the occasions that schools can plan. 

Arrange for Educational Workshops and Trainings: Parent-teacher collaboration and contact can be greatly facilitated by holding educational workshops and trainings for both groups. These experiences can help parents and teachers better understand their respective roles and responsibilities and collaborate more successfully to support student success, which is something schools can do to help. To learn more about the precise areas in which parents and instructors want to advance their knowledge and abilities, surveys and focus groups can be conducted. This might cover things like effective communication, academic and social-emotional growth, methods for assisting students with unique needs, and more. 

Technology: Technology has opened wide gates for parent-teacher interaction and made it simpler and more effective for parents and teachers to communicate. Schools can foster cooperation between parents and teachers and improve student learning outcomes by utilizing digital resources including LMS platforms, parent-teacher conference scheduling apps, video conferencing apps, social media, and mobile apps.

At EuroSchool we understand the importance of Parent engagement in students’ success. In addition to establishing a collaborative atmosphere and offering tools and volunteer opportunities, we also identify and remove challenges. We support parents in taking a more active and invested role in their children’s education. We help and encourage parents for their maximum involvement. Teachers at EuroSchool put in maximum efforts so all the challenges are well addressed and ensure parents have safe space to communicate all their concerns.

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