Sugar-Free Healthy Summer Drinks for Kids

sugar free drinks

Summer is the best time to drink yummy drinks, especially when kids play outside a lot and need to drink plenty of water. But lots of summer drinks have too much sugar, which isn’t good for you. Don’t worry! There are tasty and healthy drinks without sugar that you can make at home. These sugar-free summer drinks are refreshing and good for you, keeping kids healthy and happy all summer long. Here are some awesome recipes and ideas for yummy sugar-free drinks for kids!

  1. Watermelon Slushie
  2. Watermelon is super yummy in the summer, and making a watermelon slushie is the best way to enjoy it! This drink is really cool and tasty, and it’s full of vitamins that are good for you. Plus, it helps keep you hydrated, so you stay happy and healthy while playing in the sun!


    – 2 cups of seedless watermelon, cubed

    – 1 cup of ice cubes

    – Juice of 1 lime

    – Fresh mint leaves for garnish


    1. Blend the watermelon cubes and ice cubes until smooth.
    2. Add the lime juice and blend again for a few seconds.
    3. Pour into glasses and garnish with mint leaves.


    Watermelon is almost all water 92% so it’s super juicy and helps you stay hydrated! It has lots of good stuff like vitamins A, B6, and C, and something called antioxidants like lycopene, which helps keep your skin safe from the sun and makes it healthy. Drinking watermelon juice is a great way to keep kids like me happy and healthy when it’s hot outside, and there’s no extra sugar in it!

    Also Read: Best Summer Drinks For Kids

  3. Coconut Water Lemonade
  4. Coconut water lemonade is like a yummy tropical treat for hot days! It mixes the sweet taste of coconut water with the sour fun of lemons. It’s super refreshing and perfect for summer!


    – 2 cups of coconut water

    – Juice of 2 lemons

    – Ice cubes

    – Lemon slices for garnish


    1. Mix the coconut water and lemon juice in a pitcher.
    2. Add ice cubes to the pitcher and stir well.
    3. Pour into glasses and garnish with lemon slices.


    Coconut water is like magic water that helps your body feel better when you’re thirsty. It has stuff called electrolytes that give you back the good things you lose when you run around. It’s full of potassium, magnesium, and calcium, which are like superpowers for kids who play a lot. When you add lemon, it’s even better because lemon gives you vitamin C, which helps keep you from getting sick. This yummy drink has no sugar, so it’s super healthy and perfect for hot days to keep kids happy and hydrated!

  5. Berry Infused Water
  6. Berry water is a yummy way to make plain water taste better for kids. When you put fresh berries in water, it makes the water taste like the berries, and it’s still super good for you!


    – 1 cup of mixed berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries)

    – 1 pitcher of water

    – Ice cubes


    1. Wash and slice the berries.
    2. Add the berries to the pitcher of water.
    3. Let the mixture sit in the refrigerator for at least an hour.
    4. Serve with ice cubes.


    Berries are super good for you! They have lots of things called antioxidants, vitamins, and fiber. They help make your heart strong, keep you from getting sick, and even make your brain work better. This yummy drink has no sugar, but it’s really tasty and full of colors. It’s a great way for kids to stay happy, healthy, and hydrated while enjoying yummy fruits!

  7. Cucumber Mint Cooler
  8. Do you know about cucumber mint cooler? It’s like a super yummy drink for when it’s hot outside! It’s made with cucumber, which is like super-duper refreshing, and mint, which makes it taste so cool and fresh, like a breeze on a hot day! It’s like a superhero team-up of deliciousness and cooling power!


    – 1 cucumber, sliced

    – Fresh mint leaves

    – 1 pitcher of water

    – Ice cubes


    1. Add the cucumber slices and mint leaves to the pitcher of water.
    2. Let the mixture sit in the refrigerator for at least an hour.
    3. Serve with ice cubes.


    Cucumbers are like little water-filled balloons that keep us cool and fresh, just like splashing in a pool! They have vitamins that make our bodies strong, like the letter K and C, and stuff called potassium and magnesium. Mint is like a surprise party in our drink! It makes it taste super yummy and helps our tummies feel happy. This drink has no sugar, so it’s awesome for kids who want something cool and tasty on hot summer days!

    Also Read: Homemade Electrolyte Drinks For Kids

  9. Homemade Electrolyte Drink
  10. Making your own special drink at home is like being a wizard in the kitchen! Instead of buying those sugary sports drinks from the store, we can make our own super healthy one. It’s like mixing magic potions! This homemade drink is super cool because it’s made from natural stuff and has something called electrolytes. They’re like tiny superheroes that help keep our bodies strong and hydrated. So, instead of having yucky stuff like added sugars and fake ingredients, we can drink something that’s all-natural and super good for us!


    – 2 cups of water

    – 1/4 cup of freshly squeezed orange juice

    – 1/4 cup of freshly squeezed lemon juice

    – 1/4 teaspoon of sea salt

    – 1 tablespoon of honey (optional, for a slightly sweet taste)


    1. Mix all ingredients in a pitcher and stir well.
    2. Refrigerate for at least an hour before serving.
    3. Serve chilled.


    This yummy drink gives your body important stuff like sodium and potassium. They help keep your body hydrated and balanced, so you don’t feel thirsty or tired. And guess what? The orange and lemon juices in it are packed with vitamin C! It’s like magic potion that makes your immune system super strong.

  11. Herbal Iced Tea
  12. Making herbal iced tea is like making a super cool drink for summer that’s good for you! You can use lots of different teas that don’t have caffeine to make it taste yummy and feel refreshing. It’s like mixing magic potions to make the perfect drink for a hot day!


    – 4 herbal tea bags (chamomile, peppermint, or hibiscus)

    – 4 cups of boiling water

    – Ice cubes

    – Fresh fruit or mint for garnish


    1. Steep the tea bags in boiling water for 5-7 minutes.
    2. Remove the tea bags and let the tea cool to room temperature.
    3. Pour the tea into a pitcher and refrigerate until cold.
    4. Serve over ice and garnish with fresh fruit or mint leaves.


Yummy teas like chamomile, peppermint, and hibiscus are super cool because they don’t have caffeine and they’re good for you! Chamomile makes you feel calm like a cozy blanket, peppermint helps your tummy feel happy, and hibiscus has stuff called antioxidants that make your body strong!

Also Read: Tips To Keep Your Children Healthy This Summer

These yummy drinks are super easy to make, and they’re good for you too! They come in lots of different flavors, like fruity and refreshing. They’re like magic potions to keep you feeling cool and happy when it’s super hot outside. Drinking these special drinks every day can make you strong and healthy. They’re like secret potions full of vitamins and minerals that your body needs. Plus, since they don’t have sugar, they’re like a sweet treat without any of the bad stuff!

If you want to learn cool stuff and have lots of fun, you should totally check out EuroSchool! At EuroSchool, we help kids grow up strong, happy, and super smart. Come visit us and find out more about all the awesome things we do. You can even sign up for our super fun programs right away!

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