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10 Friendship Day activities kids will love


Can you believe we’re already close to Friendship Day? This year has gone by in a rush! It only felt like we were ringing in the New Year yesterday in school, planning activities around it, and it is time for kids to flaunt wrists full of colourful bands again! Funny how time moves.

That said, if you have been looking for some fun friendship day activities your kids can carry out in the classroom, we have got ten of them for you!

P.S. you can try these at home too!

  1. Ingredients of a perfect friend
  2. An easy-peasy friendship day activity idea, for this one all kids have got to do is make an ingredient list of their friends!

    Simple? No?

    Well, basically it is all about listing the ingredients that make a perfect friend. Think of beautiful qualities such as empathy, patience, and a supportive nature etc. It is a great way for kids to understand and recognise the signs of a good friend.

  3. Hunt for your buddy
  4. Think of this friendship day activity idea as a Guess Who but for kids. And they have to guess who their friend is based on a couple of cues written on a cue card.

    So just gather all kids in a group and create unique cue cards listing down three or four of their major traits in a riddle format, and let your kid guess which friend is being talked about!

  5. Make a bracelet for your best buds
  6. A classic friendship day activity you cannot go wrong with, making a handmade bracelet for their best buds is the ultimate way for kids to show how much they care about their close pals.

    As for the design, there are so many materials to choose from! Strings, lace, beads, sequins, fabric scraps and so much more! Get kids to give each bracelet a unique design so their friends feel extra special.

  7. Personalised friendship day cards
  8. Or they could be letters too! The purpose here is just to get kids to learn how to express their feelings for the friends they value and cherish the most in their lives. How they express their love and affection is bound to make their friends feel unique and special. And that really is one of the core goals of this activity.

    Kids can make their letters and cards feel more personal by adding pictures of the two of them together in the card, adding a small gift or their favourite chocolate and using their friend’s favourite colour on the card!

  9. Create a friendship journal
  10. A step above cards, this is one of the best friendship day celebration ideas in preschool ideas. Why? Because kids can do this in the classroom and enjoy doing it too!

    Mostly because there are no rules to designing this journal! Kids have absolute freedom to design, decorate and fill it up as they like. Be it with pictures, little cutouts, notes, stickers, charms, doodles or anything in between.

    They can even highlight different important events such as birthdays and throw in a few points about what they love the most about each friend.

    Also read: Strategies For Kindergarten Friendship Building

  11. Play a shared interests game
  12. This friendship day game is all about finding out what is common between two friends! A great game if you want all the kids of your class to get along with each other because it can be a great ice breaker.

    Get kids to take a piece of paper and a pen and ask them to write down about 5 to 10 things they have in common with a classmate whose name you can randomly pick out from a bowl.

    This can be a great activity to get kids to socialise, learn about each other, appreciate each other and perhaps even work together in a team.

  13. Make a friendship chain
  14. For this friendship day game, you’ll need to gather all your kids in a circle in the classroom and then get one of them to begin by stating five qualities of the person sitting next to them. Then the one next to them will do the same for the kid sitting on their side and so on and so forth till the entire chain is completed and every kid has heard five great things about themselves from their classmates. You can get kids to make notes of the qualities they like too and what they look for in their friends.

    Also read: Developing Friendships and Cooperation in Preschoolers

  15. Play pictionary
  16. A simple game oozing endless fun that also helps kids to bond and enjoy quality time together! Kids can take turns on who gets to draw and who gets to give them the name of the movie, song, place, animal or thing that they must draw and get their group to guess!

  17. Do arts and crafts together
  18. Turn your usual arts and crafts period into a buddy activity by pairing kids up together and having them create something together. It can be a great way for kids to bond and to learn to work with each other.

  19. Host a trivia quiz
  20. Finally, friendship day celebration in preschools can involve a fun-filled trivia quiz that is all about guessing their friend’s favourites – from pizza flavour to their favourite colour and everything in between!

There are so many ways to celebrate friendship day both at school and home. You can try a mix and match of any of these activities to get your kids to recognise and appreciate the true value of their friends. For more such interesting blogs, visit EuroSchool!

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