Best Father’s Day Quotes Of 2023

Father’s Day

Father’s Day is a special occasion that holds great significance in everyone’s life. It is the day we celebrate fathers and fatherhood. It is the day we get to show our gratitude and appreciation for all the hard work, care and support that fathers shower on us selflessly. From teaching us valuable life lessons to being our biggest cheerleaders, fathers hold a special place in the hearts of their children. Celebrated each year on the third Sunday of June, this year it falls on 18th June 2023. On this special occasion, people across the world express their feelings and gratitude towards their dads.

One way to express these feelings is through quotes. In this blog, we share some of the best Father’s Day quotes of 2023 which you can use to wish your father and it may turn out to be the best gift for Father’s Day that he could receive.

Father’s Day Quotes

  1. “A father is neither an anchor to hold us back nor a sail to take us there but a guiding light whose love shows us the way” – Unknown

This quote reflects a father’s love and support. Often the ones responsible for imparting wisdom, discipline, and love, fathers serve as our guiding lights through the ups and downs of life.

  1. “Anyone can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a dad” – Unknown

This quote brings out the significance of being a dad, and not merely a father. While becoming a father may be a straightforward process, being a dad requires so much more. Taking the time to truly know and understand their children, dads are there to offer unwavering support creating a safe space for their children to thrive.

  1. “The only thing better than having you as my dad, is my children having you as their granddad” – Unknown

This quote talks about the special bond between a grandfather and his grandchildren. Grandfathers are often the ones who spoil their grandkids and teach them valuable life lessons as well. This quote is a sweet appreciation for all the hard work that grandfathers put into raising the next generation.

  1. “A father doesn’t tell you that he loves you, he shows you” – Dimitri the Stoneheart

Dads may not always be the most expressive when it comes to emotions, but their love shows through in countless ways. Their love may be woven into their everyday words but reflect in their actions, like working long hours to provide for us or simply being a reliable presence in our lives. It is a reminder that dads may not always say “I love you”, but they show it through their actions.

  1. “A father is someone you look up to no matter how tall you grow” – Unknown

This quote captures the deep respect and admiration we hold for our fathers throughout our lives. No matter how old we get, we continue to seek our dad’s guidance, support, and wisdom. The quote resonates with the lasting imprint that fathers leave on our hearts and minds.

  1. “My father gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person; he believed in me.” -Jim Valvano

This quote reminds us that fathers are our biggest supporters. They believe in us even when we doubt ourselves. Their belief in us gives us the courage and strength to pursue our dreams.

  1. “Dads are most ordinary men turned by love into heroes, adventurers, storytellers, and singers of song.” -Pam Brown.

This quote describes how fathers become superheroes in the eyes of their children through their love and strength. They become adventurers, storytellers, and singers of songs, creating memories that last a lifetime.

  1. “Dad, you have given me the greatest gift anyone could give another person: Love. You have filled my life with so much happiness and hope.” -Unknown

This quote expresses how fathers shower their children with love and bring happiness and hope into their lives.

  1. “Dad: A son’s first hero, a daughter’s first love.” – Unknown

This quote reflects upon the significant position they hold in their child’s life – as a hero for their sons and a source of unwavering love for their daughters. Fathers are the pillars upon which children build their own lives, shaping their identities, values, and beliefs. A role they play far beyond their role as a parent.

  1. “My father didn’t do anything unusual. He did what dads are supposed to do—be there.” —Max Lucado

Being there entails providing emotional support, guidance, and complete involvement in a child’s life. Being there is about creating a secure and nurturing environment where children feel loved, valued, and protected. This quote is a reminder of how fathers have an impact on their children’s lives by simply being there.

  1. “I have a Father’s Day every day.” —Dennis Banks

This quote suggests that the love, support, and guidance received from a father extend far beyond a single designated day of celebration. Hence one needs to be grateful for their father every day in their life.

  1. “When my father didn’t have my hand, he had my back.” —Linda Poindexter

This quote highlights the deep trust, unwavering support, protection, guidance and assurance that comes from knowing that a father is always there, even when physical contact is absent.

  1. “There will always be a few people who dare to love what is untamed inside us. One of those men is my father.” — Alison Lohman, “Flicka”

This quote talks about the fathers who have the strength and courage to embrace and love the untamed aspects of their children, nurturing their spirits and helping them thrive in a world that may try to tame them.


These Father’s Day quotes are just a small selection of the many beautiful words that can be used to express gratitude, love, and appreciation for our dads. Whether it is a heartfelt message, a thoughtful gift or spending quality time together, let us show our dads how much they mean to us. Happy Father’s Day!

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