10 Easy, Thoughtful and Educative Learning Quotes for Children


You know life’s most precious and valuable lessons can come in shape or form. Sometimes it is through an experience. Sometimes it is through someone else’s experience. Sometimes it is through a story you read or watched play in front of you. And sometimes it is just simply through a life changing quote.

Yep, one single line is all it can take to change your life. Have you not had a moment when you were down and out, saw a random quote on the street and completely flipped your mindset? That is the power of learning quotes. A power that kids need to experience just as much.

In that vein, let us uncover ten learning quotes for kids that are bound to have a profound (and yes, of course, a positive) impact on your kids.

Also read: The Difference between Rote Learning and Meaningful Learning

Quote #1: Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.

Uttered by: Joseph Addison

Takeaway: It is quite simple, right? You can take it at face value because that is exactly what it means. When learning quotes for kids, this one will teach your children that books play just as important a role in their lives as fun and games. Books are the key to a vivid imagination and super analytical mind.

Quote #2: Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.

Uttered by: Albert Einstein

Takeaway: Learning this quote for students can be a little difficult. A puzzle to understand. So you can explain it to them by just saying that mistakes are good. Mistakes show that children tried. They are not a sign of failing at something. Not at all. Instead they signal growth and the courage to go on.

Quote #3: When you talk, you are only repeating what you already know. But if you listen, you may learn something new.

Uttered by: The Dalai Lama

Takeaway: What can kids derive from this educational learning quote? The value of being a listener. The power that lies in actually listening to what others have to say. Not only do people’s words hold a mirror to their soul but it also holds knowledge. Maybe even secrets not known before.

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Quote #4: It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.

Uttered by: Confucius

Takeaway: This is one of those ‘keep learning quotes’. Or rather ‘keep going quotes’. If you find your students struggling with a subject or a sport and wanting to give up, give them this quote. Remind them that the journey can be long. Maybe even super long, sure. But the only way is to keep going, keep growing.

Quote #5: Winning doesn’t always mean being first. Winning means you’re doing better than you’ve done before.

Uttered by: Bonnie Blair

Takeaway: Probably not the most famous quotes about learning but one with a deep and oh so valuable thought behind it nonetheless. The pressure to win in all spheres of life is so high these days that even kids have to face its ire. For the moments when they get sad or depressed at not ‘winning’, tell them they have come a long way. And that in itself is a major, major victory.

Quote #6: Change is the end result of all true learning.

Uttered by: Leo Buscaglia

Takeaway: Now this is straight up one of the best learning quotes! Why? Because it shows what learning about anything can do! Learning changes you. More than anything else. It changes your outlook, your mindset, your personality, your thoughts, goals. Everything. Learning is like the Midas touch. If you learn right, everything can turn to gold.

Quote #7: To learn something new, you need to try new things and not be afraid to be wrong.

Uttered by: Roy T. Bennett

Takeaway: A learning new skills type of quote, this one is like is the soul sister of Quote #2. Both of them emphasise the importance of doing something new without worrying too much about the consequences. The most important thing is (as always) that you give it an earnest shot. Fearlessly. Because you know worrying about mistakes is futile.

Also read: Rote Learning: Meaning, Types, Examples, Pros and Cons

Quote #8: The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.

Uttered by: Dr. Seuss

Takeaway: Who can say it better than Dr. Seuss can? He is the undisputed king of experiential learning quotes! And when he says it like that in rhymes, you know kids are going to listen to what he has to say. Which is all about how reading/learning is the only way to make it.

Quote #9: A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge.

Uttered by: Thomas Carlyle

Takeaway: This a good learning quote, is it not? That said, you know what it means. It takes an open, kind and receptive heart to learning anything. Be it the seemingly dry words of textbooks or the signs of the people around you.

Quote #10: What we learn with pleasure, we never forget.

Uttered by: Alfred Mercier

Takeaway: This educational learning quote has a simple message at its heart: take an active interest in learning everything you do and that knowledge will stay with you like a guiding light.

We think you will agree that all of these lines have a ‘keep learning quote’ quality to them. Which means they will keep inspiring your students/kids to continue on their journey of experiences and education. For more such motivating blogs, visit EuroSchool.

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