We all want to make time for everything and everyone, including family and friends. We always want to accommodate more on our schedules. We always feel we should have...
What is child development? Child development means changes and growth that occur in children from birth through adolescence. This includes physical growth, cognitive growth, emotional, and social growth. It...
What is Social Development: Social development in children involves the procedure in which children learn to communicate with others and try to begin new relationships with the people around...
Stress in students is the physical and emotional burden that students experience due to academic, personal, or social pressures. It is a common occurrence among students, and it can...
To succeed in both academics and life, it’s crucial for students to learn social-emotional skills. Social-emotional skills are imperative in this era. To Build a safe and peaceful society,...
We may have some serious questions about this topic. So, let us have a quick introduction to time management skills. What is time management? It takes discipline to plan...
We make memories, it is something that comes very naturally to us. We as humans have the most superior kind of memory compared to other species. We have a...
Communication is key. It helps with everything in life. It helps you build relationships and a career that leads to your success. So, learning skills that will help you...
The Central Board of Secondary Education has recently introduced Skill Education in its curriculum. There is a great vision behind CBSE skill education. In this blog, we will understand...
Extracurricular activities for kids promote something fun to do besides regular studies or academics. It can help children explore their interests and learn new skills. It can also help...