Language is the central tool for communication. Without language, we would’ve found it difficult to communicate, build relationships, or get anything done. Those who have a strong command of...
In a world where entertainment is right in our hands, one may wonder, what is the point of reading? In today’s fast paced world reading habit is becoming a...
One can hear this very often, reduce screen time for kids, why do you allow them so much screen time? How much screen time is healthy and why should...
Self-image is how we perceive ourselves in our minds. What strengths and weaknesses, talents or shortcomings do we see in ourselves? A significant portion of this self-image is based...
Road safety for children is a responsibility that is shared between parents, educators, and the community. We must keep in mind children’s safety on the roads. Parents and educators...
Let’s talk about an issue that affects most of us nowadays: Computer Vision Syndrome. This condition causes strain and discomfort for about 50-90 percent of people who use computers....
The development of our children’s language and communication skills is greatly influenced by us as parents. We can assist our children in developing strong speaking skills that will benefit...
Today’s topic makes children better in every way. It is not a skill or a talent, but rather it is just the ability of being kind and humane. Therefore,...
The first day of school can be an exciting but also an anxious experience for both parents and children. It marks the beginning of a new episode in your...
There’s an old saying, “Money can’t buy happiness”, Although it’s true, as money is not everything and it’s hard to define happiness. But not having money will make life...