Boosting Kids’ Energy with Green Beans

green beans

Children need energy to get through their day. While many factors contribute to kids’ energy levels, nutrition plays an important role in boosting their energy. In this blog, we will talk about the role green beans play in fuelling their energy levels throughout the day.

Understanding Green Beans and their Key Nutrients

Green beans are also known as string beans or snap beans.

One cup of green beans – 100 grams (g) provide

  • 31 calories
  • 8g of protein,
  • 7g of carbohydrates
  • 2g of fat.
  • 6 mg of sodium
  • 7g of Fiber
  • 3g of Sugars
  • 8g of Protein
  • 2 mg Vitamin C
  • 35mcg Vitamin A
  • 43 mcg Vitamin K
  • 1 mg Iron: 1mg
  • 211 mg of Potassium
  • mg Vitamin B6
  • 33 mcg Folate

These nutrients collectively contribute to boosting a child’s energy.

Also read : The Fiber and Vitamins in Spinach for Kids

Why Green Beans for Kids’ Energy

  1. Fiber: Fiber helps maintain the health and function of the digestive system, which ensures efficient absorption of nutrients and thus, adequate energy supply.
  2. Protein is crucial for energy as it builds, maintains, and repairs body tissues.
  3. Iron: Iron deficiency can lead to low energy levels and feelings of weakness in children. Green beans are packed with iron, which facilitates better oxygen transport and thus higher energy levels.
  4. Vitamins B and C: These vitamins support energy production by playing pivotal roles in the metabolic processes that convert foods into glucose, the body’s main energy source

Also read : The Importance of Eating a Rainbow of Vegetables for Kids’ Health

Strategies to Incorporate Green Beans into Kids’ Diets

  • Educate: Teach your kids about the nutritional benefits of green beans. Spin a creative story about how eating green beans can make them stronger, smarter, or faster.
  • Get them involved: Let the little ones be a part of the cooking or food preparation process from the very start. Everything from choosing the beans at the grocery store, washing, snapping, and, ultimately, cooking them. Allowing children to engage with their food increases their willingness to try it out. Here are some ways to get kids involved:
  • Washing and Preparing: Kids can help wash the green beans under running water, snap off the ends, or trim any tough parts.
  • Seasoning: Let your child take charge of seasoning the green beans. Show them how to sprinkle salt, pepper, or other seasonings onto the beans.
  • Arranging on the Pan: Ask your child to arrange the green beans neatly on a baking sheet or in a skillet.
  • Creativity: Allow your child to come up with their green bean recipes or variations. Let them experiment with different seasonings or toppings to make the dish uniquely theirs.
  • Use kid-friendly recipes: Green beans can be boiled, steamed, stir-fried, roasted, or included in a range of dishes. Here are some recipes:
  • Green bean fries: Coat green beans in a light breadcrumb or Parmesan cheese crust and bake until crispy.
  • Green bean and cheese casserole: Combine green beans with a creamy, cheesy sauce and top with crispy fried onions for a classic favourite with a nutritious twist.
  • Green bean and pasta salad: Combine green beans with cooked pasta, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, and a basic dressing for a delightful salad.
  • Skillet green beans: Quickly sauté fresh green beans in garlic, olive oil, and a hint of lemon juice to create a tasty and speedy side dish.
  • Green Bean-Mushroom Casserole: Mix green beans, mushrooms, cream of mushroom soup, and crispy onions.
  • Pickled green beans: Combine fresh green beans with a tangy vinegar-based brine and aromatic spices
  • Green bean dips/sauces: Whip up a flavorful green bean hummus by blending blanched green beans with garlic, lemon juice, and olive oil.

Also read : The Importance of Eating a Variety of Fruits for Kids Health

4)    Sneak in the beans

You can mix green beans into kids’ favourite dishes. Here are some ideas:

  • Green bean smoothies: Sneak green beans into your child’s morning smoothie. Blended with fruits like banana, mango, and a touch of yoghurt, the mild flavour of green beans is hardly noticeable, yet the nutrition boost is significant.
  • Green bean pizza: When making homemade pizza, spread a layer of finely sliced green beans over the sauce before adding cheese and other toppings.
  • Green bean muffins: Experiment with green bean muffins by puréeing cooked green beans and incorporating them into your favourite muffin recipe.
  • Green Bean Tacos: Make tacos more nutritious by adding sautéed green beans to the filling along with your child’s favourite toppings. The green beans provide a pleasant crunch alongside the other ingredients.
  • Gardening and local farms: Exploring the source of the vegetable and understanding its farming methods and growth stages fosters a constructive relationship between children and these foods.

Plan family trips to local farms that grow green beans. Many farms offer tours where kids can see how vegetables are grown, harvested, and processed. Encourage your children to ask questions and interact with the farmers.

They may even have the opportunity to pick their beans directly from the fields. Frequent visits to farmers’ markets can expose children to a wide variety of fresh produce, including green beans.

If you have the space, consider dedicating a portion of your backyard or even just a few pots on your balcony to grow green beans. Involve your children in planting the seeds or seedlings, watering them, and watching as the plants grow and produce beans.

Green beans play a substantial role in boosting kids’ energy levels. Encouraging the regular consumption of green beans provides them with the necessary vitamins, minerals, and fibre that drive their growth and development. So next time you plan your child’s next meal, remember to include this green nutritious powerhouse.

At EuroSchool, we promote healthy eating habits in our students through various means, including providing balanced meals in the school cafeteria, offering nutrition-related education, and organising activities that encourage healthy eating.

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