Benefits of Nature Based Learning

Benefits of Nature Based Learning

What comes to your mind when we say “best childhood memories”? Chances are, you are thinking of all the times you played outdoors with your sibling or friends. You may have come home all flushed, exhausted, and full of dirt, but your joy knew no bounds. 

And guess what? All those times, you were in the lap of Mother Nature; she was nourishing you, helping you grow into the strong, healthy individual that you are today. Isn’t that a childhood you want for your children too? Instead of being hunched over devices? 

Impact of nature-based learning on kids at various stages

At a time when technology dictates every aspect of our lives, the importance of nature-based learning cannot be reiterated enough. Numerous studies prove that nature-based education impacts child development and learning at various ages.

Benefits of nature-based learning on kids from 0-5 years

In children in the age group of 0-5, when they are in a rapid phase of growth, nature-inspired learning improves eyesight and bone density. Exposure to sunlight increases Vitamin D levels and works on maintaining their dental health, and time spent outdoors enhances their hand-eye coordination and increases their overall level of physical fitness. 

Benefits of nature-based learning on kids from 6-9 years

In children aged 6-9, learning in a natural environment boosts their attention span and lowers stress levels. Further, spending time learning in the lap of nature improves their social skills. They learn to recognise each other’s feelings and develop empathy as they help each other. 

Benefits of nature-based learning on kids from 9-13 years

The benefits of nature-inspired learning continue as they grow into their tween phase. When exposed to nature, children aged 9-13 show extraordinary creativity as nature inspires them to discover things they would not find on the internet. 

EuroSchool Bannerghatta: Rejuvenating schooling with a dose of nature

It is this wonder of nature that EuroSchool is attempting to restore among school-going children. EuroSchool Bannerghatta, located in southern Bengaluru, is the first-of-its-kind school in India that combines nature-based learning with state-of-the-art modern amenities. Spread across a sprawling campus of five acres, it shifts from traditional schooling to enriched, nature-inspired learning. 

With a curriculum that provides for substantial outdoor learning, students from Jr. KG to Grade 7 can make the most of outdoor learning hubs, best-in-class sports facilities, and several other amenities for the overall development of children. 

Play and revision happen in equal measure under the supervision of qualified teachers. The mission of EuroSchool is well-rounded education with children’s social and emotional development. 

Learning can happen anywhere; and when it is amidst nature, then nothing is like it. Thus, the Bannerghatta campus is an attempt to spearhead this change in education through nature-based learning.

Feel free to ask any questions about nursery admissions, fees, or other details, and we’ll gladly assist you! EuroSchool is a great choice for families in Bangalore, Pune, Airoli, Thane and Hyderabad seeking a valuable, global education. The learning experience in these cities focuses on developing a love for learning and preparing students with essential skills like adaptability, critical thinking, and a worldwide outlook for their future.

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