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10 Safety Tips for taking your Kids on Vacation

family vacation ideas

Safety Tips

Vacations with your kids can be an exciting and rewarding experience. While vacations can bring joy and create lasting memories, it is also important that, as a parent, you enforce all the safety measures to be taken while travelling.

From choosing the right destination to packing the essentials, there are numerous ways to stay while travelling. In this blog, we will share 10 safety tips for taking your kids on vacation that will ensure a smooth, stress-free holiday for you and your kids.

1) Research the location

When planning a vacation, child-friendly vacation spots are ideal for families with children. Research the family-friendly resorts, hotels and destinations with amenities tailored for kids such as playgrounds, swimming pools, and play areas with specialised pieces of equipment.

Apart from the amenities, also check on the travel advisories and warnings issued, if any, by the government. Check for any potential health risks, vaccination requirements, political instability or natural disasters in and around the place of travel.

Also read : Public Transportation Safety: Behaviour on school buses, trains, and subways

2) Use child identifiers

Arm your children with some form of identification such as an ID wristband or tag on their bag containing vital information like your contact and accommodation details. Should the child get lost, this could be instrumental in reuniting them with you. However, ensure this information is hidden from plain sight to prevent unlawful use.

Teach your kids important information such as your full name, the name and address of your hotel, and your phone numbers. This information could prove crucial if they become lost or separated from you.

Using real-time trackers is another safety measure you can use. These children-friendly devices let you monitor the whereabouts of your children in real time, providing an additional layer of safety in crowded venues like amusement parks or markets.

3) Health check-up

Before leaving for your vacation, ensure your kids undergo a thorough health check-up. This not only helps detect potential health issues that could ruin the vacation but also ensures that their vaccinations are up-to-date – a prerequisite for international travel.

A prior health check-up helps identify any potential health concerns in your child for which medication can be prescribed proactively by the doctor. This will ensure your child stays safe while travelling.

4) Hydration and sun protection

The weather is an important consideration when travelling. It is important to prepare for various weather conditions at the vacation place. Pack appropriate clothing for hot, cold or rainy weather.

In hot weather, kids tend to dehydrate faster than adults, hence it is essential to keep them adequately hydrated, particularly on hot days during the vacation.

Protecting them from the harsh sun rays is crucial, which calls for a generous application of sunscreen and protective coverings like hats and sunglasses.

Also read : The Importance of Knowing One’s Address and Emergency Contact Numbers

5) Food safety

Eating out is part and parcel of any vacation, but with children, you need to be extra careful. Avoid street food as it may not adhere to proper hygiene standards and could lead to food poisoning. Stick to reputable eateries that guarantee safety and hygiene.

6) Water Safety

Whether it’s the hotel’s swimming pool or a beach, always supervise your kids around the water, irrespective of their swimming capabilities. Also, ensure they are equipped with appropriate safety gear such as life vests or floaties.

7) First Aid Kit

Always pack a first-aid kit equipped with bandages, antiseptic ointments, bug sprays, children-specific pain relievers, insect repellents, and fever reducers. This ensures you are prepared to handle minor mishaps promptly.

Compile a list of emergency contacts for your vacation destination, including local hospitals, police stations, and your country’s embassy or consulate. Keep this list in your phone and on a piece of paper in your wallet or bag, as well as in your child’s bag. Make it easily accessible in case of an emergency.

8) Safe Travel and Accommodation

Whether you are driving, taking a flight or using public transportation during your vacation, prioritize your child’s safety at all times. During air travel follow all the safety guidelines mandated by the airline. Ask for child restraints approved for usage on aircraft.

If driving, ensure you use car seats in line with your child’s weight and age. Secure them safely with car seat belts to ensure they are safe throughout the journey.

Choose accommodation that is child-friendly with round-the-clock security, and child-proof spaces. Ask for rooms away from staircases, balconies, and pools, and ensure the rooms are equipped with childproof locks and smoke detectors.

9) Water Safety

If you are vacationing by the beach or your vacation involves any water activities, be aware of the safety procedures of the place. Never let your children venture out alone into water bodies. Such as lakes, pools, rivers or the ocean. Even if they know swimming, supervise them and ensure they wear life jackets during such activities.

Ensure that you have easy access to the lifeguard in the area of the water body in case of an emergency or a mishap.

Also read : The Importance of Knowing Emergency Numbers

10) Establish clear rules and boundaries

Before going on a vacation, talk to your child about the safety rules to be followed and the boundaries. Emphasize staying together in public places, not talking to strangers, and seeking your permission before venturing off on their own.

Reiterate the concept of ‘stranger danger’ to your children and explain to them the importance of not interacting with or accepting anything from strangers, even when under your supervision.

Encourage open communication so that children could express themselves to you without any fear.


Ensuring your child’s safety requires proactive preparation and vigilance. Following these ten safety tips will not only give you peace of mind during your vacation it will ensure a memorable and enjoyable experience for the entire family.

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