10 Common Childhood Illnesses

childhood illnesses

On a regular basis, children are prone to becoming ill. Respiratory and intestinal problems are frequently experienced by them. As a result, understanding the most recent treatment procedures, which can be both symptomatic and targeted, is deemed critical by parents.

Common childhood illnesses will affect most kids at some point in their lives. They can avoid a lot of agony and discomfort by being prepared and knowing where to go for medical help. Additionally, it might assist you in saving money and preventing last-minute emergencies.

Being a parent may be a difficult endeavour that is not without its share of difficulties. Your patience will be put to the test, and you’ll be anxious and angry about how to treat your child the best in the event of a sudden illness.

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Common Cold

Some of the most typical respiratory tract diseases that might affect your child are common colds (nasopharyngitis), swollen tonsils (acute tonsillopharyngitis), and sore throats (strep throat). The common childhood illnesses like common cold are brought on by germs and viruses that assault your child’s upper respiratory tract. Chest congestion, swollen glands, a runny nose, and coughing are typical symptoms.

These childhood illnesses often persist between seven and ten days. By providing warm beverages to drink, you can aid your youngsters in getting rid of their sore throats. Additionally, you might provide them with lukewarm salt water to gargle with on occasion.


Other than colds, ear infections and ear fluid are the most common childhood diseases among children. You know how uncomfortable an ear infection can be if your child has ever had one.

Most pediatric ear issues fall into one of two categories. The first condition is referred to as acute otitis media (AOM), which denotes that the fluid behind the eardrum is acutely infected. When there is fluid in the middle ear, but it is not diseased, it is called otitis media with effusion (OME).

Childhood illnesses like ear infections are typically caused by viral infections and do not necessitate antibiotic treatment. While they wait for the pain to subside, your doctor will discuss with you the best ways to address your child’s earache in most common childhood illnesses.

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The influenza virus, which is the causative agent, gives the flu its name. This childhood disease spreads when infected droplets from coughing or sneezing are breathed in by other individuals. The droplets can also fall on objects like shopping carts or doorknobs, infecting anyone who touches them.

Is the Flu Spreadable?

Childhood diseases like Flu spread quickly. From the day before they start to feel ill until their symptoms have subsided, they can spread it. For adults, this lasts around a week; however, for tiny children, it may last longer.


Viral infections are most frequently to blame for acute bronchitis resulting from acute bronchitis treatment. Bacteria or other elements like dust, allergies, potent odours, or tobacco smoke may also be to blame.

A virus is the most frequent cause of acute bronchitis in children. After a viral infection of the nose, mouth, or throat (upper respiratory tract), the sickness may appear. These diseases are easily contagious when near a sick individual.

Children suffering from bronchitis may exhibit the following common childhood illness symptoms:

Coughing that is dry or productive (with sputum)

  • clogged nose
  • Chest ache
  • A cold and a little fever
  • Chest tightness or congestion
  • Muscle ache
  • Throat discomfort
  • Vomiting


Coughs and sneezes are the main ways that RSV is passed from one person to another. When respiratory droplets carrying the virus get in a child’s eyes, nose, or mouth, they can contract RSV making it a very dangerous and common childhood disease.

RSV can survive outside of the body for several hours, making it possible for kids to contract the virus by coming in contact with infected objects or surfaces. This can occur when young toddlers touch their eyes, noses, or mouths before washing their hands after handling germ-filled things like doorknobs and tables.

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Disease of the Hand, Foot, and Mouth

Viruses are the root cause of HFMD. When a child has one of these viruses, they are infectious, which means they can spread the common childhood illness to other kids.

 The virus can be found in an individual who has HFMD in their:

 Nasal mucus, drool, and other nasal and throat secretions

A blister’s liquid

Children with childhood diseases like HFMD are typically most contagious in the first week after being ill. However, even after symptoms have subsided or even if they are symptomless, children might still transmit the virus to others on occasion for days or weeks.

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Conjunctivitis is a common ailment.

Young children frequently contract pinkeye, also known as conjunctivitis (kun-junk-tih-VY-tus), an eye infection. It normally spreads quickly, and outbreaks can take over playgrounds and preschools. Pinkeye can, however, affect both teens and adults.

The conjunctiva, the white of the eye, and the inner eyelids are all inflamed in pink eye. Even though it could seem severe, the infection is small and typically not harmful.

It’s crucial to take your child to the doctor if they exhibit pinkeye symptoms. While some forms of pinkeye resolve on their own, others require medical attention. Most common childhood diseases like conjunctivitis are curable.


Gastroenteritis (gass-troh-en-teh-RYE-tis) is known as inflammation brought on by bacterial, viral, or parasitic infections of the stomach or intestines.

Gastroenteritis in children is most frequently caused by viral infections. Stomach flu is often contracted by children due to rotavirus, but prevention can be aided by the rotavirus vaccine.

Numerous bacteria that cause gastroenteritis are easily contagious. In other words, if infected material is touched before food or the mouth is touched, if someone who is ill is given food or beverages, or if someone lives with someone who is infected, transmission may occur, even if the other person is well.


Sinusitis is an infection or inflammation of the sinuses, sometimes known as a sinus infection. The bones surrounding the nose have hollow areas called sinuses. Sinuses in children do not fully mature until they are older. The maxillary and ethmoid sinuses are present in early children. The frontal and sphenoid sinuses will grow during adolescence. Air normally fills the sinuses. The lining of the sinuses thickens and bacteria-filled fluids flood the sinus cavity when they are irritated or infected.

Rhinosinusitis and sinus infections are other names for sinusitis.

Strep throat

Strep throat is caused by the bacteria streptococcus pyogenes, which enters the nose and throat. A painful throat, fever, swollen tonsils, and stomach pain characterize it. If these symptoms are exhibited by your child, a paediatrician should be contacted so that strep can be tested for and treated with antibiotics.

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When should a paediatrician be consulted?

Many common childhood illnesses resolve on their own or with rest and medicine. However, some symptoms in childhood illness like strep throat should prompt consultation with your child’s doctor. Medical attention should be sought if any of the following symptoms are exhibited by your child:

  • An immune system that is weakened, diabetes, asthma, or any chronic ailment is had.
  • Indications of dehydration are demonstrated.
  • A high temperature is present.
  • Trouble breathing is experienced.

At Euroschool, we teach children how a weakened immune system frequently causes children to become ill. Typically, these common childhood diseases are self-limiting or can be treated at home without the need for any medications. However, a physician should be visited for a specific diagnosis and treatment plan in childhood. Furthermore, any disorders that have severe symptoms or last longer than usual require medical treatment. Sometimes, mild bacterial or viral infections can escalate to more serious infections. And, in some cases, despite therapy, the illness does not improve, thus keeping your doctor up to date is critical.

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