7 Brilliant Ways To Celebrate International Dance Day

International Dance Day

Now, it does not matter if you have a dancing bone or not. Upon hearing some beats, everyone wants to shake a leg. So, dancing is such an activity that is enjoyed by everyone. Some can do it professionally, while the less confident ones do it within the walls of their homes. So today, we are going to discuss International Dance Day.

The Dance Committee of the International Theatre Institute (ITI), who are the main partners for the performing arts of UNESCO, founded the International Dance Day in 1982. They created the day to celebrate dance around the world. People celebrate the International Dance Day only on April 29th annually because it marks the birth anniversary of Jean-Georges Noverre, who is claimed to be the father of modern ballet. This day is a tribute to his contribution to the development of dance as an art form. So much for the International Dance Day.

International Dance Day is basically the celebration of dance all over the world. International Dance Day is a global celebration of dance in every form. Now that we know the history of the formation of the International Dance Day, let us have a look at how this day is celebrated.

The International Dance Day has a main event, which is a fiesta that is held by the International Theatre Institute, specifically handled by their Executive Council. The venue for this ceremony changes each year, which makes it a showpiece and an awestruck celebration. The celebrations are open to everyone and can be enjoyed from anywhere around the globe.

Since we are speaking about the International Dance Day, let us take a quick peek at our very own Bharatanatyam, which was founded in the state of Tamil Nadu in Southern India. It is the very first of Indian traditional dances. This has been recognised as a theatre art and is exhibited widely both at home and overseas. Bharatanatyam is based on many principles of performance, the aesthetics outlined in the classic text such as ‘Bharata’s Natyashastra’.

Here is the list of some classical dances that originated in India with the state of origin:

The dance form ‘Kathak’ originated in the state of Uttar Pradesh.
The dance form ‘Kuchipudi’ originated in the state of Andhra Pradesh.
The dance form ‘Odissi’ originated in the state of Odisha.
The dance form ‘Kathakali’ originated in the state of Kerala.
Coming back to the International Dance Day, here are some International dance day activities that can be celebrated with your family and friends; these are surely amazing ways to be a part of the day itself.

  1. Attend some dance performances: There are several concerts and shows that happen specifically on the International Dance Day, join along with family and friends to enjoy the different forms of dance.
  2. Learn a new dance: Learning a new form of dance is the best way to celebrate the day itself.
  3. Dance in your living room: You have a get-together and have some awesome dance sessions in the house with food and music and celebrate it with your favourite people around.
  4. Have a dance party: One could simply host a dance party and enjoy the day with different games and other International Dance Day activities to celebrate the day.
  5. Have a children’s dance party: Children must learn about different dances and the value of taking them these days to the next generations, so what could be better than being a host for a kids dance party?
  6. Take a dance class: One could take dance classes with their partner or siblings or even friends. By learning a dance form and then being a part of the whole celebration by performing in a competition or just for family and friends is a great way to celebrate the day.
  7. Have the kids join in any neighbourhood dance competitions: You could bring out the positive competitive spirit in your kids by letting them socialise and be a part of the celebration around the neighbourhood.

After getting to know so much about this fantastic celebration, one would want to know how the International Dance Day is actually celebrated during the ceremony.

To mark the International Dance Day each year, there are different International Dance Day themes that are announced, and on April 29th, the International Theatre Institute invites all of its members along with dancers from around the world – the very well-known and the newer choreographers, dance students from all types of dance forms, and enthusiasts from all over the world – to join them in a huge Gala Celebration.

Since there are different themes announced each year, the organisers create the themes to determine if the show and the acts need to be dramatic, playful, or simply smooth and graceful for the performances and the competition settings that are conducted each year. The dances often give us a type of story through the series of movements, music, and costumes. The music must be relevant to the theme, and the acts must be able to relay the story to help the performers tell their tale through their dance and performance.

In the year 2021, the International Dance Day theme was “Purpose of Dance”.

For the year 2022, the International Dance Day theme was “Dance Your Way to Boost Physical and Mental Health”.

For the International Dance Day 2023, the theme is “To celebrate the versatility and popularity of dance as an art form”.

Since we now know that April 29th is just around the corner and we are approaching the International Dance Day 2023, it seems to be the perfect day to put on your dancing shoes and become a part of the whole celebration in some way or the other.

Here are some examples of different dance forms that are performed on the International Dance Day:

Among the international styles, there are two categories: Standard – which includes dance forms such as the Waltz, Tango, Foxtrot, Quickstep, and Viennese Waltz, and then there is the Latin – which includes dance forms such as Cha Cha, Rumba, Samba, Jive, and Paso Doble. You could learn any of these dances to make it a part of the International Dance Day activities at home or in the neighbourhood.

Here are some great health benefits of dancing:

  1. Dance improves the conditions of the heart and lungs.
  2. It increases muscular strength, endurance, and motor fitness.
  3. Dance increases aerobic fitness.
  4. It definitely improves muscle tone and strength.
  5. Dance can help with weight management.
  6. It makes bones stronger and reduces the risk of osteoporosis.
  7. It helps with better coordination, agility, and flexibility.

Here are some more ways to celebrate the International Dance Day 2023 with your kids:

You could watch some movies for kids that are based on dance and make some popcorn and enjoy the day with your children. You could have a group or family activity such as Zumba with some age-appropriate music and moves. Hula hoops have been a fun prop for years, making your kids dance to some good old songs.

People celebrate International Dance Day to encourage, educate, and promote participation in dance. They hold several different dance events and festivals on this day all over the world. People observe the International Dance Day in all the member states of the United Nations.

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