Indian Space Research Organisation Facts for Kids

Indian space research organisation

The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is an incredible institution that has made significant contributions to the field of space science and technology. For kids who are curious about space exploration and India’s achievements in this domain, this article will provide an overview of the ISRO, its history, milestones, and interesting facts. So, buckle up and get ready to explore the fascinating world of the Indian Space Research Organisation!

History of ISRO

The Indian Space Research Organisation, or ISRO, was established on August 15, 1969, by Dr. Vikram Sarabhai, who is known as the father of the Indian Space Programme. Before ISRO was formed, the Indian National Committee for Space Research (INCOSPAR) was set up in 1962 under the leadership of Dr. Sarabhai and Dr. Homi Bhabha, the father of the Indian nuclear programme. The main objective of ISRO is to harness space technology for the benefit of India’s development and to conduct research in the field of space science.

ISRO’s First Launch:
ISRO’s journey began with the launch of its first satellite, Aryabhata, on April 19, 1975. This satellite was named after the famous Indian astronomer and mathematician Aryabhata and was launched with the help of the Soviet Union. Aryabhata was an experimental satellite used to study the Earth’s atmosphere, ionosphere, and to conduct astronomical experiments.

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Milestones Achieved by ISRO

Over the years, ISRO has achieved numerous milestones. Here are some of the most notable ones:

  1. Rohini Satellite: On July 18, 1980, ISRO successfully launched the Rohini satellite using an Indian-made launch vehicle, the Satellite Launch Vehicle (SLV-3), making India the sixth country in the world to have its satellite launched by its rocket.
  2. Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV): ISRO developed the PSLV, which has become one of the most reliable and versatile launch vehicles in the world. PSLV’s first successful launch took place on October 15, 1994, when it placed the IRS-P2 satellite into orbit.
  3. Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV): GSLV is another powerful launch vehicle developed by ISRO. It is used to place satellites into geostationary orbits. The first successful launch of GSLV took place on April 18, 2001.
  4. Chandrayaan-1: On October 22, 2008, ISRO launched Chandrayaan-1, India’s first mission to the Moon. The spacecraft discovered water molecules on the lunar surface, which was a significant finding.
  5. Mars Orbiter Mission (Mangalyaan): On November 5, 2013, ISRO launched its first interplanetary mission, the Mars Orbiter Mission, also known as Mangalyaan. India became the first Asian country to reach Martian orbit and the first in the world to do so on its very first attempt.
  6. Navigation with Indian Constellation (NAVIC): ISRO has developed its navigation system called NAVIC, which consists of seven satellites. This system provides accurate real-time positioning and timing services across India and surrounding regions.
  7. 104 Satellites in a Single Launch: On February 15, 2017, ISRO set a world record by launching 104 satellites in a single mission using its PSLV-C37 rocket.
  8. Chandrayaan3: India created history with the successful soft landing of ISRO’s third Moon mission Chandrayaan-3’s Lander Module (LM), making it only the fourth country to do so, and the first to reach the uncharted south pole of Earth’s only natural satellite. Chandrayaan-3 mission was on a journey to the moon since its launch on July 14. Chandrayaan-3’s lander (Vikram) has a rover (Pragyan) inside it.
  9. Aditya-L1: The launch of Aditya-L1 by PSLV-C57 rocket was accomplished by ISRO on September 2. Aditya-L1 spacecraft carried seven payloads to study the Sun — four to observe the light from the Sun and the remaining three to measure in-situ parameters of the plasma and magnetic fields.

Also Read: The History, Evolution And Role Of ISRO

Interesting Facts about ISRO

Here are some interesting facts about ISRO

Budget: Despite having a relatively smaller budget compared to other space agencies like NASA, ISRO has achieved significant milestones and is known for its cost-effective missions. For example, the Mars Orbiter Mission cost only around $74 million, which is much lower than the cost of similar missions conducted by other countries.

Women Power: ISRO has many women scientists and engineers working in various capacities. Women played crucial roles in some of ISRO’s most significant missions, such as the Mars Orbiter Mission and the recent Chandrayaan-2 mission. Dr. Tessy Thomas, known as the ‘Missile Woman of India’, has made significant contributions to India’s missile programme and works with the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), which closely collaborates with ISRO.

International Collaborations: ISRO has collaborated with numerous countries and international organisations for various missions and projects. Some examples of collaborations include working with NASA on the NISAR mission, with the French Space Agency (CNES) on the Megha-Tropiques satellite, and with Russia on the Chandrayaan-2 lander and rover technology.

Reusable Launch Vehicle (RLV): ISRO has been working on developing a reusable launch vehicle that can significantly reduce the cost of launching satellites. In 2016, ISRO successfully tested the RLV-TD (Reusable Launch Vehicle-Technology Demonstrator), which is a prototype for future reusable space vehicles.

Space for Education: ISRO has always been committed to inspiring and educating the younger generation about space science. They have launched several educational initiatives, such as the Young Scientist Programme (Yuvika), where students are selected for a two-week residential programme to gain hands-on experience and learn about various aspects of space science.

Gaganyaan: ISRO is working on its ambitious human spaceflight programme called Gaganyaan, which aims to send Indian astronauts to space by 2022. This mission will make India the fourth country in the world to send humans to space independently.

GSLV-F12 and NVS-01 Satellite: On May 29, 2023, India’s Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV-F12) facilitated the deployment of the nation’s inaugural second-generation navigation satellite, NVS-01. Weighing approximately 2,232 kilograms and featuring an indigenous atomic clock, the satellite was successfully placed into a Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit, thus bolstering the capabilities of the Navigation with Indian Constellation (NaVIC) services.

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With numerous achievements under its belt and ambitious plans for the future, ISRO continues to make the nation proud and inspire young minds to pursue careers in science and technology.

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