How to Study Smarter, Not Harder Secret Study Tips

best time to study

1. Set Clear Goals: 

Define your study goals for each session or subject. Break down complex topics into smaller, manageable tasks, and prioritize them based on their importance and difficulty.

Example: If you have a history exam coming up, set a goal to cover a specific chapter or era in one study session. 

2. Create a Study Schedule: 

Develop a well-structured study schedule that allocates dedicated time for each subject. Stick to the schedule consistently to build a productive study routine.

Example: Allocate the best time to study, such as 2 hours for math practice, 1 hour for biology revision, and 1 hour for language practice in your daily study schedule. 

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3. Use Active Learning Techniques: 

Engage actively with the study material rather than passively reading or listening. Techniques like summarizing, questioning, and teaching the material to someone else can reinforce understanding.

Example:  After reading a chapter in your science textbook, create concise notes summarizing the key points, and then discuss them with a study partner. 

4. Utilize Visual Aids: 

Visual aids such as diagrams, charts, and flashcards can enhance memory retention and understanding of complex concepts.

Example: When studying geography, draw maps or use online interactive maps to visualize geographical features and locations. 

5. Take Regular Breaks: 

Incorporate short breaks during study sessions to avoid burnout and maintain focus. The Pomodoro technique helps you to plan the best time to study, where you study for 25 minutes and take a 5-minute break, which can be effective.

Example: Study biology for 25 minutes, take a break to stretch or have a healthy snack, and then continue with the next study session. 

6. Practice Retrieval: 

Test yourself by recalling information from memory. Retrieval practice strengthens memory and helps identify areas that need further review.

Example: Cover the definitions in a glossary, try to recall them, and then check your answers to see how much you remembered. 

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7. Use Mnemonic Devices:

Mnemonics are memory aids that associate information with vivid images or acronyms. They make it easier to remember complex information.

Example: To remember the order of the planets in the solar system, use the mnemonic “My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Noodles” (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune). 

8. Teach Others: 

Teaching concepts to others reinforces your own understanding and helps you identify any knowledge gaps. 

Example: If your friend is struggling with math, offer to explain a difficult concept to them. The act of teaching will solidify your own grasp on the topic. 

9. Avoid Multitasking: 

Focus on one subject at a time to improve concentration and retention. Multitasking can lead to reduced productivity and lower-quality learning.

Example: When studying chemistry, avoid checking your phone or social media at the same time. 

10. Join Study Groups: 

Collaborating with peers in study groups can provide different perspectives and explanations, making learning more dynamic and enjoyable.

Example: Organize a study group with classmates to discuss physics problems and share different problem-solving approaches.

11. Stay Organised: 

Keep your study materials, notes, and resources well-organized to avoid wasting time searching for information.

Example: Use colour-coded folders or digital apps to categorize and store study materials for each subject.

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12. Get Adequate Sleep: 

Ensure you get enough sleep to consolidate memory and enhance cognitive function. Lack of sleep can impair learning and memory retention.

Example: Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night, especially before an exam. 

13. Stay Healthy: 

Maintain a balanced diet, exercise regularly, and manage stress effectively. A healthy lifestyle positively impacts your ability to focus and learn.

Example: Practice mindfulness techniques or yoga to manage exam-related stress and anxiety.

14. Use Technology Wisely: 

Embrace technology as a tool for learning, but avoid distractions. Use apps and online resources that complement your study goals.

Example: Download educational apps that offer interactive quizzes and exercises for specific subjects. 

15. Review and Revise Regularly: 

Regularly review and revise the previously covered material to reinforce learning and prevent forgetting.

Example: Set aside dedicated time each week to review class notes and previously studied topics. 

Also read : How To Create Homework Strategies For Kids

Best Time To Study and Memorize:

Here are some key points about the best time to study and memorize sessions.

Morning Study (6 am – 10 am): 

Many students find that the early morning is a productive time for studying and memorization. The mind tends to be fresh and alert after a good night’s sleep, making it easier to absorb new information. Use this time for subjects or topics that require intense focus and concentration.

Afternoon Study (1 pm – 4 pm): 

The afternoon can be a good time for revision and practice. After lunch, you might experience a slight slump in energy, but this can be counteracted by engaging in active learning techniques like answering practice questions or solving problems. Take short breaks during this period to recharge and avoid burnout.

Evening Study (5 pm – 8 pm): 

For some students, the early evening can be a productive time for review and reinforcement. Use this time to consolidate the information you’ve studied during the day. Review your notes, create summaries, and connect concepts to improve retention.

Before Bed (9 pm – 10 pm): 

Reviewing material before bedtime can enhance memory consolidation during sleep. Glancing through your notes or reading over key points can help reinforce what you’ve learned earlier in the day. However, avoid studying for extended periods before bedtime, as it might interfere with falling asleep.

Best time table for study:

Here are some effective and best time tables for study.

  • Morning (6 am – 8 am): Wake up early, review the previous day’s lessons, and study difficult subjects.
  • School Hours (8 am – 3 pm): Focus on classes, actively participate, and take notes.
  • Afternoon (3 pm – 4 pm): Have lunch and take a short break.
  • Study Session (4 pm – 6 pm): Study important subjects or complete homework.
  • Evening (6 pm – 7 pm): Engage in physical activity or hobbies.
  • Revision (7 pm – 8 pm): Review the day’s learning.
  • Night (8 pm – 9 pm): Dinner and relax.
  • Pre-Bedtime (9 pm – 10 pm): Revise, read, or practice calming activities before sleep.

By following these effective and perfect timetables for students, they can achieve their educational goals and improve their performance.

Also read : 10 ways to Improve Numeracy Skills in Primary Schools


At EuroSchool, we believe in studying smarter, not harder, including using efficient study methods that maximise learning efficiency. Finding the most effective study and revision times for better learning is a journey that is unique to each individual. Take focus on the body’s natural cycles, try out different study schedules, and make adjustments as required to find the perfect timetable for students.

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