11 Revision Techniques For Students To Ace Exams

study techniques for students

Revision is an integral part of academic success. For students of all ages, mastering effective revision techniques can lead to better understanding, recall, and, ultimately, better grades. In this blog by EuroSchool, we explore eleven study revision techniques that stand out for their effectiveness.

Spaced Repetition: Maximising Long-Term Memory

Spaced repetition is a study technique where information is reviewed at increasing intervals. This method leverages the psychological spacing effect, which suggests that information is better retained when revision sessions are spaced out over time. For students, this could mean reviewing notes the day after learning them, then again a few days later, and progressively increasing the interval. By spacing out revision, students reinforce their memory and understanding.

Active Recall: Testing to Remember

Active recall involves actively stimulating memory during the learning process. Instead of passively reading or listening, students test themselves on the material. This can be done through flashcards, practice questions, or simply by trying to recall information from memory. Active recall is significantly more effective than passive study methods.

Mnemonics: Memory Aids

Mnemonics are memory aids that help in the encoding of information for better recall. This could be an acronym (like ‘ROYGBIV’ for the colours of the rainbow), a rhyme, or a visual image. By associating information with a mnemonic, students can more easily retrieve it from memory.

Mind Mapping: Visualising Connections

Mind mapping is a technique where key information is laid out visually in the form of a map. This method is particularly useful for visual learners. It helps in organising and linking concepts, making it easier to see the bigger picture and how different ideas connect.

Practice Papers: Simulating Exam Conditions

Completing practice papers under exam conditions is an invaluable revision technique. It not only helps students familiarise themselves with the format and style of questions but also aids in time management. Additionally, it can reduce anxiety by making the examination environment more familiar.

Teaching Others: Learning by Explaining

Explaining a topic to someone else is a powerful way to reinforce one’s understanding. This technique, often referred to as the ‘Feynman Technique’, involves teaching a concept you are trying to learn in simple terms as if explaining it to a beginner. This process highlights areas that need more attention and consolidates understanding.

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Interleaved Practice: Mixing Subjects and Topics

Interleaving involves mixing different topics or subjects in one study session. Instead of focusing on one area for a prolonged period, students switch between topics. This technique helps in improving the ability to differentiate between concepts and apply them in the right context.

Pomodoro Technique: Structured Time Management

The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method that breaks work into intervals, traditionally 25 minutes in length, separated by short breaks. This approach helps maintain high levels of concentration and avoids burnout, making revision sessions more productive.

Colour Coding: Organising Information

Using different colours to organise notes and materials can make revision more efficient. Colour coding helps in quickly identifying specific topics or categories, and research suggests that it can aid in memory retention and recall.

Rest and Exercise: Supporting Brain Health

Physical health significantly impacts cognitive function. Regular exercise, adequate sleep, and healthy eating habits can improve memory, concentration, and overall brain health, thereby supporting effective revision.

Self-Explanation: Understanding Through Articulation

Self-explanation involves explaining and articulating the reasoning behind an idea or concept. This technique encourages students to review their study material and then explain it in their own words, either verbally or in writing. It enhances understanding by requiring them to make connections, identify underlying principles, and integrate new information with what they already know. This active engagement with the material deepens comprehension and aids in long-term retention.

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10 mantras to keep in mind before revision

The following are the mantras that students can keep in mind while revising their lessons.

“Plan and Prioritise” – Before you start, take time to plan your revision. Prioritise topics based on their importance and your understanding of them. A well-structured plan can guide your study sessions more effectively.

“Quality Over Quantity” – Focus on the quality of your study time, not just the duration. It’s more productive to have a focused, uninterrupted 30-minute session than a distracted 2-hour session.

“Stay Curious” – Approach your revision with curiosity and an eagerness to learn. This mindset can transform revision from a chore into an engaging, intellectually stimulating activity.

“Consistency is Key” – Regular, consistent study sessions are more effective than cramming. Even short, daily review periods can significantly boost your retention and understanding.

“Understand, Don’t Memorise” – Strive to understand the concepts rather than just memorising facts. Understanding promotes long-term retention and makes it easier to recall information.

“Take Breaks” – Your brain needs rest to function optimally. Regular breaks during revision sessions can prevent burnout and improve overall productivity.

“Stay Healthy” – Maintain a balanced diet, get enough sleep, and exercise regularly. A healthy body fosters a healthy mind, which is crucial for effective studying.

“Embrace Mistakes” – Mistakes are part of the learning process. Instead of getting discouraged by them, use them as opportunities to deepen your understanding and learn.

“Seek Help When Needed” – Don’t hesitate to ask for help if you’re struggling with a topic. Sometimes, a different perspective or explanation can make all the difference.

“Positive Mindset” – Maintain a positive attitude towards your studies. Believe in your ability to learn and succeed, and remember that effort and perseverance will pay off.

These study tips for students offer various approaches to revision, each with its unique benefits. Effective revision techniques are not one-size-fits-all; students should experiment to find what works best for them. Combining different revision techniques for students can lead to a more holistic and effective study experience. Remember, the key to effective revision is not just hard work, but smart work. All the best for your exams!

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