10 Tips for Parents from School Teachers

Tips for Parents From School Teachers

You are your child’s first and most crucial teacher as a parent. Your engagement in their education has a big influence on how well they do in school and how they develop all around. With their knowledge and experience in educating young minds, school instructors can provide you with insightful advice on how to properly assist your child’s learning journey. You may improve your child’s educational experience and create a productive home-schooling relationship that will establish the groundwork for their future success by putting the ten suggestions to parents from teachers below into practice.

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  1. Communicate Regularly:
  2. The development of a kid depends critically on effective parent-teacher communication. Check your emails frequently, go to parent-teacher conferences, and participate in school activities to stay involved with your child’s school. Actively look for occasions to talk with your child’s instructors about his or her skills, weaknesses, and growth. This collaborative approach promotes a more holistic understanding of your child’s educational journey and allows you to address any concerns promptly. The development of your child’s intellectual and emotional well-being is enhanced by fostering a solid collaboration between home and school. The concept that education is a shared duty is reinforced through regular communication, which also promotes a feeling of community inside the school.

  3. Create a Consistent Routine:
  4. Children thrive in structured environments. Tips for parents from teachers include setting up a regular daily schedule at home may bring consistency, ease stress, and aid in your child’s efficient time management. Your child will feel secure and in charge if you are consistent and help them predict what will happen next. Include time for study, play, meals, and family bonding in their daily schedule. As you create this routine, involve your child in the process to empower them to take ownership of their responsibilities.

  5. Encourage Reading:
  6. Reading is the gateway to knowledge and imagination. Foster a love for reading by providing access to age-appropriate books and encouraging daily reading habits. Advice to parents from teachers is to engage in shared reading sessions to bond with their child and discuss the stories, expanding their comprehension and critical thinking skills. Reading together enhances your connection with your child and creates lasting memories. Encouraging reading not only enhances their academic performance but also instils a lifelong love for learning and a curiosity that knows no bounds. Through books, your child can explore different worlds, cultures, and ideas, nurturing empathy and broadening their perspectives.

    Also Read: What’s The Best Way To Teach Kids To Read?

  7. Provide a Quiet Study Space:
  8. A conducive study environment is vital for academic success. Create a dedicated, quiet, and well-lit study area at home where your child can focus on their homework and studies without distractions and suggestions to parents from teachers. Eliminate electronic devices in this space to enhance their concentration and productivity. A peaceful study area will not only improve their academic performance but also teach them the importance of creating a focused and distraction-free space for any task they undertake. This designated study space becomes their sanctuary for exploration and growth, aiding them in developing a sense of self-discipline and a strong work ethic. It also sends a clear message that education is a priority in your household.

  9. Be Involved in Homework:
  10. Tips for parents from teachers is to demonstrate interest and involvement in your child’s homework. Ask them about their assignments, and be available to offer guidance when needed. However, encourage them to tackle problems independently, as this fosters problem-solving skills and resilience. Your active presence during homework time sends a powerful message that education is a priority in your family and that you are invested in their success. Your support and encouragement also build their confidence in facing academic challenges. Moreover, being involved in their homework provides an opportunity to understand their learning style and identify any areas where they might need additional support.

  11. Praise Effort and Progress:
  12. Celebrate your child’s effort and progress, regardless of the outcome. Positive reinforcement increases their self-confidence and inspires them to face obstacles with courage. Instead, concentrating only on grades or accomplishments, emphasise the value of the learning process. Even if the outcomes are not ideal, acknowledge the effort they put into their study. By complimenting their tenacity and perseverance, you increase their resilience and impart the knowledge that failure presents a chance for growth. This advice to parents from teachers’ approach fosters a growth mindset, encouraging your child to view challenges as stepping stones toward improvement and not as roadblocks.

  13. Limit Screen Time:
  14. While technology can enhance learning, excessive screen time can hinder a child’s development. Tips for parents from teachers is to set reasonable limits on screen time and encourage alternative activities such as outdoor play, hobbies, and creative pursuits. Balance is key to ensuring a well-rounded childhood experience. This advice to parents from teachers encourages your child to explore various activities beyond screens and will stimulate their creativity, social skills, and physical health. Additionally, setting healthy boundaries with technology helps them develop self-regulation skills, leading to a more balanced and fulfilling lifestyle. Engaging in non-screen activities also provides opportunities for face-to-face interactions and strengthens family bonds.

  15. Teach Time Management:
  16. Helping your child develop essential time management skills by creating a schedule for their daily activities is teachers advice to parents. Involve them in the process to instil a sense of ownership over their time. Encourage them to allocate time for study, play, extracurricular activities, and rest. Balancing academic responsibilities, extracurricular activities, and leisure time will teach them to prioritise and manage their commitments effectively. Time management is a valuable life skill that will benefit them throughout their academic and professional journey. They become more capable of achieving their goals as they grow confidence in their abilities to handle duties and time management. Success in school and beyond, in their future jobs and personal lives, depends on these abilities.

    Also Read: 10 Time Management Tips For Students

  17. Promote Healthy Habits:
  18. Keeping your body and mind in good shape is essential for effective learning. Teachers advise parents to make sure their youngster gets enough rest, consumes healthy food, and exercises frequently. In addition to enhancing attention and memory, a healthy diet and regular exercise also encourage general well-being. By instilling healthy habits from a young age, you set the foundation for a lifetime of wellness and academic achievements. When your child feels physically and mentally well, they become better equipped to tackle challenges and maximise their learning potential. As a parent, your role in modelling and supporting these habits is crucial, making it easier for your child to embrace and sustain a healthy lifestyle.

  19. Be a Role Model:
  20. Demonstrate a positive attitude towards learning, curiosity, and growth. Engage in lifelong learning yourself, and show your child that education is a continuous journey that extends beyond the school years. As a role model for intellectual curiosity and personal growth, you inspire your child to see learning as a lifelong journey. Share your experiences of overcoming challenges and pursuing passions to instil the belief that hard work and dedication lead to achieving dreams. Your passion for learning will ignite your enthusiasm to explore interests and seek knowledge.


By implementing these ten tips for parents from teachers, you may actively contribute to your child’s educational experience and foster a supportive atmosphere for their general growth. Encourage curiosity, foster a love for learning, and celebrate progress. With your unwavering support, your child will overcome challenges, pursue passions, and reach their full potential academically and beyond. Invest in their education today for a brighter future. Together, let us nurture confident, compassionate, and capable individuals who shape a better world. Your active involvement fosters lifelong learners and responsible citizens in a rapidly evolving world.

Euroschool is committed to providing quality education and fostering a conducive learning environment for all students. Our experienced and dedicated school teachers have put together 10 valuable tips for parents from teachers to support their child’s educational journey. These tips emphasise the importance of open communication with teachers, creating consistent routines, encouraging reading habits, providing quiet study space, being actively involved in homework, praising effort and progress, limiting screen time, teaching time management, promoting healthy habits, and being positive role models. By implementing these tips, parents can play a crucial role in nurturing their child’s academic growth and overall development at Euroschool.

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