Top Developmental Milestones That Every Child Should Reach

developmental milestones

Developmental milestones may be accomplished by most kids by a specific age. Abilities like the first walk, the first smile, and the “bye-bye” wave are included in developmental milestones. Different stages of development in speaking, acting, learning, and playing are experienced by children. Every day, milestones are accomplished by kids. Even though developmental milestones are achieved at their own rate by each child, they are accomplished by most kids at or around the same age.

Important hints regarding a child’s developmental health can be found in developmental milestones. Usual development is indicated when milestones are reached at the predicted ages of a child. If milestones are reached considerably earlier, a child may be advanced compared to peers of the same age.

The earliest indication that a developmental delay may be present in a child can be observed when milestones are not accomplished or are achieved considerably later than peers of the same age.

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Being able to sit up without any help

According to the developmental milestones chart, when the parent’s arms are no longer able to accommodate the youngster, it is time for them to be taught how to stand up by themselves. These developmental stages are very crucial for a child.

In its first few weeks, the arms and legs of a baby are stretched out, essentially being “unfolded” from the curled-up posture they had been in for so many months inside the womb. The lifting of hips, wriggling, and kicking of legs should be actively done by your baby during the first two months, and most definitely by month four. What can be done with their legs is starting to be explored by the infant.

It is appropriate to start teaching the child the developmental milestones chart and how to stand up on their own when the caregiver’s arms can no longer support them.

Children getting ready to crawl

While muscles and bones are strengthened in kids of all ages by walking, coordination is developed in babies by crawling in developmental stages.

Whether or not crawling is done can just depend on the baby’s temperament. It is explained by Dr. Hannibal that while some infants are more motivated, others are more relaxed and content to play with objects that are within their reach. And crawling is never done by some kids. As long as their other developmental milestones, including being pulled up to stand, cruising on furniture, and using their hands correctly, are being passed, it is usually nothing to worry about.

Also Read: How does parental influence affect child development?

Developmental milestones like Cruise control

At around 9 or 10 months old according to the developmental milestones chart, children are started to be pulled up by themselves to have a better view of the world due to their natural curiosity. From 11 to 12 months, cruising; a fancy word for taking their first steps, is usually done while holding onto the furniture or their hands. It can be observed that their feet appear to be flat during this time. This is partially due to the incomplete formation of the arch and the fact that it is partially obscured by a fat pad, which disappears between the ages of two and three.

While flat feet in young children are common in the developmental stages, the requirement of shoes with arch supports to help the arch acquire shape may be indicated.

Also Read: Importance of Childhood Exercise: Boosting Health, Development, and Well-being

Walking: most crucial developmental milestone

To take their first steps, confidence, balance, and coordination are required by children. This milestone is reached at various ages because of this.

How to Help Your Baby Get Ready to Walk in the developmental stages;

Furthermore, several exercises can be performed with children to promote movement. Playing in jumpers, baby gyms, and stationary activity centres can be tried for some exercise. These exercises will prepare arm and leg muscles for pivoting, crawling on the belly, and walking, aiding in the child’s development of the strength, balance, and confidence necessary for walking.

Being able to accept solid food.

The nutritional requirements of your infant are changed as they develop. Over the first two years, up to 75% of each meal is utilised to develop your baby’s brain.

All the nutrition needed for growth and thriving by your baby can be obtained from your milk from the first hour of life until they are 6 months old. No additional food or drink is required by them during this time, including water, tea, juice, porridge, or any other meals or liquids.

Language Development; Major developmental milestone

The child should be talked to and treated as a talker from birth. The secret is to have a wide variety of words employed in a variety of situations in the developmental stages. An orange ball can be discussed with the youngster, along with how an orange is prepared for lunch. This helps in the child’s understanding of the meaning and structure of words.

After speaking, a moment can be taken to allow the child to speak. The child’s attempts to communicate can be responded to as soon as they begin to coo, gurgle, wave, or point. For instance, the baby’s coos and gurgles can be responded to by cooing back.

Responding to your baby cries

There are times when several cries are blended. In most cases, it is the hungry and wailing babies that are awakened. If quick action is not taken, the hunger cry of your baby can be transformed into a rage-filled scream. The distinction will be noticed. The cries of your baby will be intensified, become louder, and be more persistent as she grows older. Furthermore, they will begin to fluctuate more, seemingly expressing various needs and desires.

Try the following comforting methods if she is warm, dry, and well-fed yet the weeping won’t stop. Find the ones that are most effective for your child:

  • Rocking back and forth, either in a rocking rocker or in your arms.
  • Gently rubbing her back or breast, or stroking her head
  • Safe swaddling entails enveloping the infant in a blanket.
  • Talking or singing
  • Playing relaxing music
  • Carrying her while walking, in a stroller, or in a carriage
  • White noise and vibration with a rhythm
  • She burps to release any gas bubbles that could be inside.
  • Baths that are warm (most babies enjoy these, but not all)

In case of delayed milestones, there are multiple therapies to be taken care of while noticing delayed milestones, some therapy options include behavioural therapy, special education, speech and language therapy and physical therapy. Always keep a thorough understanding of the developmental milestones chart.

Also Read: Nurturing Social and Emotional Development in Kindergarten


At EuroSchool, we are aware of each child’s potential and work to ensure that they can also achieve a variety of other developmental milestones, such as understanding the past, discerning other people’s thoughts or feelings, recognizing right from wrong, managing frustrations, learning about relationships, and many more. Developmental stages need to be reached by children for learning and growth to occur. Opportunities such as attending school or interacting with other children on an equal footing will be denied to children if the developmental requirements are not met at any given point in their lives.

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