8 Questions to Ask When Looking at International Schools

international schools in India

When you have kids, settling in a new nation can be particularly difficult. Every parent wants their kids to receive an excellent education. But not every educational system on the planet can compete. International schools are a great choice for families who move around a lot because the educational standards are frequently similar, and they aid in bridging the language barrier. However, there may be a large selection of international schools. The following factors should be considered while making your ultimate decision.

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Class Dimensions

After all, most of the learning occurs in the classroom. As opposed to programs that may cater to the needs of each individual kid, we are aware that typical classrooms have a limited influence on all students. In a classroom, the typical student only remembers around 50% of what they see, hear, and read. It’s also crucial to remember that learning isn’t just restricted to the few intervals of time in class when a teacher is present. The children will be better life learners and better at remembering what they have learned in class if we broaden that perspective and recognize that learning may occur outside the classroom as well. Questions to ask about education like the following are important for parents.

Questions to ask:

What arrangements are there in the classroom?

What time does learning occur?

Change in Principals and Teachers

Any firm, regardless of sector—including one as important as education—can struggle with high personnel turnover. An international school teacher typically stays in one site for 3.2 years, per study. You now have a baseline. If the school you’re considering has a significantly lower average, that is a clear indication that the institution is subpar. High turnover rates, however, can have a variety of causes, some of which include management and how empowered and encouraged the employee feels. Since teachers are so passionate about what they do, they cannot be satisfied by money alone.  The same is true of primary turnover, which typically takes four to five years.

Questions to ask:

How long on average have the school’s principals and instructors been there?

Also Read: National vs International School: Which Is Best for Your Kids?

Those who make decisions

Educators who are passionate about leading a school where students achieve success in both their academic and social lives and businesspeople whose main goal is to run a successful and profitable company for themselves, and their shareholders are likely to lead private international schools. These objectives may appear to be at odds with one another, but that is not always the case. When parents and students are happy with the quality of education being provided, schools are profitable and successful. Therefore, it is essential for parents to ask questions about education, and how to achieve these objectives, which can be done when visions are matched, and high-quality education is prioritised.

Questions to ask:

Who decides what to do at school?

How much freedom are teachers given while designing the programs?

Educational Management

It’s common to believe that a school’s quality may be gauged by how many of its kids achieve high marks. Because they receive praise frequently and are recognized for their achievements, successful students are difficult to ignore. The advancement of these children is the true barometer of the performance of the school, thus you must also pay attention to the average students. Are C students receiving C+ grades on time, and B- students receiving Bs? Every student’s needs should be met, and no child should be treated in an anonymous manner.

Teachers must be approachable and open about their teaching strategies. It is important to keep track of each student’s development outside of planned tests.

Questions to ask:

How is development assessed?

What is the typical student’s ‘distance travelled’?


Best International schools need technology, but frequently schools add glitzy equipment only for show, to give the impression that they are technologically superior. To maximise learning through technology, schools should embrace its use in the classroom and smoothly integrate it into the teaching and learning process. Increasing student achievement should be the main objective here. However, there needs to be a structure in place to regulate technology use and offer security against access to unsuitable content.

Questions to ask:

How are teachers and students being trained to use the technology available in the classroom?

How frequently are the systems reviewed and updated?

How does technology affect education both inside and outside of the classroom?

Also Read: Importance of International Schools and reasons to enrol your Children

Quality Evaluation

‘Over-testing’ is a common phenomenon in Asia. In general, parents place high importance on testing because they view it as a sign of a school’s calibre. Even though testing is important, it rarely indicates a good learning environment. Another argument is that finishing an exam just diverts time from studying. To maximise learning, emphasis should be put on leading students down a road of continuous learning, reflection, and lesson review. A teacher can change the method they teach to target the concepts and abilities that a student has not yet mastered when they are aware of the student’s progress—or lack thereof.

Questions to ask:

Aside from tests, how are a student’s development and evaluation tracked?

Activities outside of the classroom

The ideal venue for the best international schools to promote the “cool and unique” things they have to offer is through extracurricular activities. A site to host a program may really be found for practically every activity, at the correct cost, thanks to the hundreds of suppliers competing for space. Many schools also provide their own internal programs without charging extra, and these decisions are undoubtedly influenced by the skill set that the teacher team has to offer. Every activity at a school should serve a purpose and uphold the institution’s aim. This should incorporate enjoyment but also represent wise and well-informed choices.

Questions to ask:

How are extracurricular activities evaluated?

Are ECAs giving the school commission? What are ECAs used for?


In most circumstances, accreditation merely records and certifies good practice. In many instances, it confirms that the best international school strives for excellence and has high standards. But how can you tell if the flashy website badge or fervent recommendation is legitimate? Ask around, do your homework, and be certain that if the accreditation is not readily apparent on the websites of many other schools, either the institution is incredibly distinctive or that badge may not be widely recognized within the educational sector.

Questions to ask:

How did you become certified? How did you go about getting the get-ahead?

Request a copy of the report and any proposed solutions.

Also Read: Quality of Education in International Schools


Euroschool suggests that when choosing the best international school, investigate the facilities and co-curricular programs they offer. If your child has talents or interests, ensure the school you choose can help nurture and grow them. This will not only aid in character development but can also help enhance their profile when applying to top universities that appreciate a more well-rounded personality in their students.

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