Role and Importance of Teacher in Student’s life

Importance of Teacher in Students life

Teachers play a pivotal role in shaping an individual’s character and personality. Their role in shaping a young mind is in no way lesser than the role played by the parents. Alexander The Great said, “I am indebted to my father for living but to my teacher for living well.”

In Indian culture, the position of teachers is even higher than Gods. As we call them in our Indian culture, Guru. A famous Sanskrit shloka explains very aptly the importance of a Guru:

“Gurur Brahma Gurur Vishnu Gurur Devo Maheshwaraha

Guru Saakshaat Para Brahma Tasmai Sri Gurave Namaha”

The shloka implies that the teacher plants the seeds of goodness in us, fosters the qualities of goodness and weeds out the bad qualities. Another very popular couplet by popular Indian poet Kabir puts teachers even ahead of God. He says,

“Guru Govind dou khade, kake lagoon paay; Balihari Guru aapne, Govind diyo batay.”

Here Kabir is wondering whose feet should he touch first, Guru (the teacher) or God. He then says that he knows of God only because of the teacher who led him to God.

Even in this modern world of EdTech, the role and importance of teachers in students’ lives cannot be undermined. With demanding school routines, kids often spend more time in classrooms than at home. Consequently, they develop strong bonds with their teachers, who greatly influence their thinking, behaviour, and actions. The impressions a teacher leaves on a young child’s mind can have long-lasting imprints and implications.

Also Read: 10 Tips for Parents from School Teachers

Below are some of the very critical roles played by teachers in a student’s life.


Teachers act as guardians for students during school hours and school-related activities, often spending more time with them than their own parents. Teachers serve as guiding forces on various issues not just in academics but also for extracurricular activities, sports, career, and even personal issues and emotional problems students might be facing. Certain children come from families where the parents may not be in a position to provide credible guidance. In such cases, teachers become the go-to guides for students. Teachers also act as a source of assurance for the parents who feel assured knowing that their ward is under their able tutelage.

Provide Course Correction

Teachers play a key role in identifying early issues that students might face and helping them with corrective measures. These issues can be in the form of learning disabilities, behavioural issues, or attitudinal problems. Teachers have a great opportunity to identify areas of improvement in children. Once they spot any such areas, they can collaborate with the parents to actively work on those improvement areas. This is where the actual shaping of the child’s personality, character, and value system takes place.

Talent Scouts

As a result of spending so much time with the students, the teachers are best positioned to spot talents among their students. Teachers get ample opportunities to spot which student is good at which activity. This is an extremely critical role that teachers can play. By observing students engaging in a variety of activities, teachers must be trained to spot unique skills and talents among their students. Sharp attention to detail, keen observation skills and empathy are some of the necessary attributes’ teachers must possess to be able to spot such talents in their classes. Once they identify a spark in the child, they can pass on this message to the parents so that the child’s talent can be nurtured into something substantial.

Also Read: Understanding the Importance of Teachers in Student’s lives

Role Models

Children can often take their parents for granted, but they treat their teachers as their role models. Apart from learning from them in class, students even tend to take their teachers as role models in other aspects such as behavioural traits, dressing style, communication style, etc. While parenting plays a key role in shaping the value system of students, teachers also have a big role to play. Children keenly observe their teachers to take cues from their behaviour and try to inculcate the same into themselves. Teachers often become the template which the students use to measure anything they experience. Hence, teachers bear a significant responsibility to lead by example for their students. Should teachers veer off the right path, there is a strong chance that students may emulate similar behaviour.


Children may often hesitate to share certain things with their parents and confide with their teachers. The amount of trust that a teacher can build with the students can motivate the students to shed their inhibitions and share their innermost feelings, their fears and anxieties with their favourite teacher. Teachers as confidants can play an extremely influential role in helping children manage their emotions well. Teachers can play the role of mentors and emotional coaches and help students navigate through the emotional rollercoaster of adolescence.

Shaping the society

Teachers do not just impact students individually; they also shape how students interact in groups. By fostering qualities like respect, empathy, honesty, and loyalty among students, teachers influence how we function as a society. Typically, the way students learn to behave with their classmates will in future also reflect on how they will behave with others in society.

Also Read: Why should we respect our teachers?

Teachers are the pillars of student development at EuroSchool. Our educators take the role of guardian, confidant and role model for the students with utmost sincerity. The teacher-student bond at EuroSchool is a lifelong connection. Our alumni maintain their connection with their teachers long after they have graduated from EuroSchool. It is a bond that we all treasure.

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